I’ve written my own Dashboard, and when I try to use it after using either IFI program on the same computer, without rebooting, my dashboard never works. I have no idea why or how, but apparently IFI’s programs do something funny to the serial port? I never had this problem before, so it’s definitely something with IFI’s programs (I used a similar Dashboard last year with no problems).
Has anyone else experienced similar difficulties, or know anything about why this may be?
No, I closed the IFI Loader (version 1.0.7), waited a couple of seconds for the computer to end the program (old computer), and then started mine up, and it was unable to correctly read the serial port. Most data was garbage, some was correct but in the wrong spots, and so on. Not of any use to me.
sounds like your program and the IFI program are configuring the ports differently - using HW flow control or not using it - somehow changing the port driver, or the IFI program has not released the port completely when its closed.
I actually talked to the IFI guy at SBPLI, and he put me on the phone with the IFI software guy, and he’s sending me some stuff to work with, so hopefully I can work this out sooner than later.