I'm getting my hair cut for Relay for Life!

The Walpole Robo-Rebels FRC 1153 (and new this year our two FTC teams) are participating with the Relay for Life Greater Norwood (Mass.) event overnight tonight, and as part of the deal, if our two teams each raises at least $1,153 (get it? Our team number!) I get my hair cut, which has been growing since last year. Otherwise, well, I keep the hair?

Relay for Life is an overnight event for teams after collecting donations for cancer research, held by the American Cancer Society. Teams camp out (fortunately this year under the stars but on a soggy field) and continual walking on the track. There is a Survivor’s Walk and Luminary Bag ceremony to remember past family and friends.

Donations are welcome here, and many thanks. Yeah, I’m shamelessly plugging my webpage, not the team! The picture is an older picture – my hair is down to my shoulders now, yet still not long enough to donate. :frowning: Maybe I should go for a second year?

By the way, “Greater Norwood” is a stretch – it’s actually held in the next town, at the Walpole High School field, right next to our team’s world headquarters.

Thanks for listening. :slight_smile:

That’s so awesome!
I remember when I was younger cutting my hair for locks for love!
I just love how your doing this!
I hope you raise the money, actually even more than the anticipated amount!:smiley: