You guys are a rookie team? Wow, nice job! Lookin’ good
Beautiful robot. I wish we could have done such pretty things last year with Rexroth™. The only thing I worry about is if your light is in a legit place. You can see it from all sides, it appears, but I don"t know if enough of it is showing from all sides. Anyhow, because of the glorious Rexroth®, you can probably change the placement fairly easily.
pretty beefy, is it under the weight limit?
Gussetts on the outside of the tubing is reccommended. We have used this material in the past ans under heavy loads (collisions) the webbing has a tendency to break out where the nuts are compressed against the webbing.:eek:
We ended up with gussetts about 4" on a side with two connectors in each side of the gussett. THis beefed up the corners enought so we no longer had structural problems.
Just a thought…
Beautiful robot. Very, very, very good job for a rookie team- especially the arm aspect of it. I expect to see you guys doing good for your rookie year
so…who are your sponsers…Hmmmm???
Thanks for the input guys… the arm looks nice but we are having some problems with applying the needed torque to get it all the way around… initially i geared both the cim together… that wasnt enough… then the van door alone… that wasnt enough either…getting frustrated…looks like we are just going to lift it with pneumatics … cant go all the way over… but at least it will move… any suggestions??
P.S… 1024 is a rookie team but i was on team 234 as a senior and worked with them the last few years… so we are not a “true rookie” as to not miss-lead anyone…
*Originally posted by pauluffel *
**Beautiful robot. I wish we could have done such pretty things last year with Rexroth™. The only thing I worry about is if your light is in a legit place. You can see it from all sides, it appears, but I don"t know if enough of it is showing from all sides. Anyhow, because of the glorious Rexroth(R), you can probably change the placement fairly easily. **
Yeah, the light has to be four inches above your robot- you can lower and raise this for the bar, but it overall has to start and play with a 4 in clearance… Check the official rules for this-
*Originally posted by OneAngryDaisy *
**Yeah, the light has to be four inches above your robot- you can lower and raise this for the bar, but it overall has to start and play with a 4 in clearance… Check the official rules for this- **
actually I think the rule says that four inches need to be visible , nut above the bar. I don’t know the specs on that robot, but If you can have 4 inches visible from the other side (the one facing away from the camera), then I think you’ll be all right.
Team Update 5: PAGE 18, RULE M8,
There have been numerous design questions relative to the installation/placement of the rotating light. The purpose of M8 is to insure that your drivers, the referees, the scorekeeper, and the judges can identify your robot and that the audience has some idea of who’s who; and to make sure that it is installed to enable EASY CHANGEOVER OF THE LIGHT LENSE.
A momentary “loss” of visibility of this beacon is allowable; however, 99% of the time FIRST requires that the top 4” of the light be visible.
The light must be mounted upright, thus it has to be above the bar… or on the arm, but in that case it’d have to swivel
That doesn’t look like wood! I thought rookie teams had to use wood their first year.
Seriously, that’s a nice robot. No telling what you’ll come up with next year…
*Originally posted by Dave *
**That doesn’t look like wood! I thought rookie teams had to use wood their first year. **
yeah, like us! we used wood our first year. And our second year. And our third year…
Wow, nice tank treads. How’s your turning? How many filing cabinets can you pull at one time?
turnings pretty good it drives like a tank with two joysticks one for each side, but its a little difficult to mauver in our workshop lol
for other info look at this thread