Image Discuss: 810 - Teaser #6

More pieces are arriving in the shop with every passing day.

This piece came in tonight, weighing less than half of what it did when it arrived from McMaster-Carr. Unlike the chassis, this piece hasn’t been seen in any of the previous teaser photos, but if you closely, you may see some interesting features that are directly related to one of the other teasers.

I’m not telling which, though. :slight_smile:

Oh, and yes, I’m evil.

i’m guessing that’s an armature for stacking…?

maybe for knocking over the bins from the floor?

who knows?

oh yeah…you do :wink:


I didn’t know we were allowed to use 1970’s/80’s era Stereo Radio Receivers on our robots…

I should rethink our electronics design…

/me shuffles off to the drawing board.

I wonder if it’s in FirstCADLibrary, yet…

actually. the radio isn’t the teaser, neither is the metal. you see that small picture of an airplane in the top right… :stuck_out_tongue:

and jemery, you’re sort of close, but way off.

keep in mind, most of those holes aren’t for function, so much as weight reduction. you might be better off if you can figure out which holes are for function ;).