i know some of the textures are lacking, the binding for the 14" rail to the outer railing isn’t right (yet ;)), but other than that it’s pretty good, yes?
i’m proud of myself atleast
i know some of the textures are lacking, the binding for the 14" rail to the outer railing isn’t right (yet ;)), but other than that it’s pretty good, yes?
i’m proud of myself atleast
You wouldnt happen to want to possibly post the 3D file online?
When i fix a few minor errors, i’ll be glad to post it and a few more first related models online…
You’re course looks pretty good, check out our course, it’s about 2 or 3 down the line from yours, title “help me with course animation please.” We don’t have all the textures in yet because rendering takes forever with our glass… I saw that you’re binding for the 14" rail to the outer railing isn’t correct either. Do you have any pictures of the course on how that would go together? Or could you describe it? Because apparently nobody on my team seems to know exactly, and the FIRST blueprints aren’t really helping me. -thanks
yeah it’s welded on there apparently (there’s a pic on here somewhere…).
I gotta go back and fix that real quick haha.
Yeah i didn’t add raytraced reflections to our glass and diamond plating yet…it will have it tho
*Originally posted by Jeremy_Mc *
**When i fix a few minor errors, i’ll be glad to post it and a few more first related models online…*jeremy **
are you going to post the field too?