Image Discuss: Team 1011

This is a picture of our robot on top of the ramp at the Gila Monster’s Arizona Invitational.

As you can see we have wings on either side that make us 10’6" to gaurd the ramp. We have two suction cups at the end of each wing to hold us on top.

On the front and back we have ramps that our partner can use to drive on top of us and sit or fully cross over us if they can’t go under the bar.

That’s me on the left.

I like the ramp idea Gila.

If bot can get up there fast, that looks like an awesome robot.

I forgot to tell you guys, the ramps will be textured at comps, with grip tape, kinda like a skateboard, to make it easier to get on.

I know what is on the end of your arms. I recognize them exactly. To be quite honest. I’m scared of you.

Well, I was suprised to see this pic pop up all of a sudden :yikes:

Darn, there goes our element of suprise as a rookie team :wink:

Well, it certainly was a suprise for a rookie team. You have a very nice bot. You should do well at the competitions!

Just one question, what stop and opponent from using the ramp on your robot?

*Originally posted by Funny *
**Just one question, what stop and opponent from using the ramp on your robot? **

My guess is the 30+ degree slope of that ramp, I doubt seriously that many robots this year could go over than and not tip, and it is also looks like they might have the ability to raise either side of the ramp at will.

Reminds me of wildstang 2 years ago… problem is though:

  1. Light? where is it? Where is it going to be? I see what looks to be a circle at the front of your bot, if it’s there, what about the low-clearence bots? broken light

  2. Ramp… Are you planning on having mates just on your ramp, or on the top of your bot? If they are going to just be on your ramp, you better have a method to keep it off the mesh, otherwise you both lose the 25pts from being king of the hill.

Good luck, I’m sure you’ve thought these through, just I can’t tell what you are planning

The ramps raise and lower. So once a robot gets on top of us we can raise them off of the mesh.

We can raise the ramps to keep opponents from driving up the ramps.

The main idea of the ramps was to control the entire ramp area so that we could let other robots drive on top of us or completely over us as we wished.

We also thought about the 30 degree slope of our ramp, and from what we have seen, if a robot can make it up the field ramp they can make it up ours.

We had some trouble getting teams up the ramps during our invitational, but that was because we didn’t put our grip tape on yet. Once we get the grip tape on it should be a lot easier.

Come by and see us at Arizona or Nats. Bring your bot and we might have time to let you drive over!

*Originally posted by Gadget470 *
**Reminds me of wildstang 2 years ago… **

Huh? Reminds you of Wildstang? Oh you’re talking about our 2001 bot. Looks like you put 2 of our 2001 bots together end-to-end :cool:

Good strategy and nice looking implementation. Do you think all teams will have the ground clearance to get up on your ramp or will their frame hit instead of the wheels?

We had a team hit thier frame on the top edge at the invitational. We’re gonna start working on some solutions to that problem.

Yes it does look like Wildstang 2001. I loved Wildstang 2001 its my favorite bot of all time, it was my base for ideas. Thanks for the inspiration guys.

In 2001 a guy on my team (64) came up with an idea similar to Wildstang’s and he called it “The Wedge” and he said “The Wedge is the Edge” and we told him he was crazy and it would never work. Then I saw Wildstang, I didn’t want to make that mistake again.

So there it is, “The Wedge is the Edge!”

Would I be correct if I said that your robot sucks? (That’s not meant derogatorily…but just a guess at what’s on the end of those arms :P) Looks great. Is your bot going to hang over the edge of HDPE? If so, what will stop you from hitting the mesh if someone pushes on you just right? Great job.

*Yes it does look like Wildstang 2001. I loved Wildstang 2001 its my favorite bot of all time, it was my base for ideas. Thanks for the inspiration guys.

Hey Gila,

I am delighted that you were inspired by our design. That is what FIRST is about - right.

Since your team number (1011) is so similar to ours (0111) (binary team numbers?), then it makes even more sense that you carried our design forward.

Don’t be surprised to find some of 2001 in our robot this year also. [hint]:wink:

*Originally posted by Raul *
**Hey Gila,

I am delighted that you were inspired by our design. That is what FIRST is about - right.

Since your team number (1011) is so similar to ours (0111) (binary team numbers?), then it makes even more sense that you carried our design forward.

Don’t be surprised to find some of 2001 in our robot this year also. [hint]:wink: **

Inspiration is one of FIRSTs middle names right? :rolleyes:

111 and 1011, awfully close indeed. And let me take a guess at your robot from your hint. Either you are like ours, were you can be a toll bridge… or…

You sit at or on the bar and help teams get over it :yikes:

Whichever one it is (if either) I am sure you guys will do well as always. I look forward to seeing you at Nats!

Very nice design:D I like the whole ramp bot idea

i thought you had to have your hole robot on the ramp.can someone show me were it says that we dont have to have to hole robot post a reply plz. thanks

Their whole robot will be on the ramp, their ramp attachment raises and lowers (to remove itself from being on the ramp). You are correct that the bot must not touch the mesh to recieve it’s 25 points.

Take a look at This Video of a 2001 match with WildStang. Watch their ramp, 1011’s will provide an altered version of this concept for this years game.

Now, if a robot drives on top of you…

and you pull up your arms and both your ramps…
