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yikes! I hope you have a good DMM with an audio continuity tester.
May I reccomend that you clean that up a bit so the inspecter doesnt flip his lid during regional inspections?
Ahhh!!! That looks like the wiring job I did on TOBOR IV, my rookie year! ::shudders::
Yep that pic (from team 447) says it all, robots with wiring like that scare the enemy into submission
You all have no idea. Our robots wiring last year looked 5 times worse than that.
Got any pics?
Also, We are going to IRI!!!11 Because IN is soooo cool, lol.
Team Roboto 447 Anderson IN, see ya in the finals.
That doesn’t look too bad IMHO
y’all have a relatively big robot w/plenty of room to run wiring
my team’s robot is really compact, and we are using the aluminum channel for the main frame and running wiring through there
we had two alumni help us out with wiring and whatnot, ATM they are unemployed car stereo installers - so this is right up their ally
it is really tricky running several lengths of 6 gauge through a 3/4 inch grommet