This thread is to discuss the FIRST Deans List with the intent that our ideas and constructive criticism will be shared with the selection committee of the award with the purpose of continuous improvement.
I would like to start be thanking FIRST and the Dean’s List selection committee for creating this award so that our outstanding students can receive personal recognition, and for the committee’s many hours spent organizing the finalists from each regional, and the hours poured over each essay to attempt to select the cream of the crop of a stack of highly qualified individuals. Having FIRST on one’s resume opens doors for students, having Dean’s List busts that door down!
I would like to ask the Chiefdelphi community to brainstorm ideas on what they would like to see improved on the Dean’s List, be it the selection criteria, award ceremony, or any part of the process between the nomination of the student to the final recognition of the award.
Are there things still left ambiguous that we would like to have cleared up in the selection criteria? (ie, is need considered? Is only time spent on FRC teams considered, or does time in FIRST on FLL/FTC apply? Is the selection committee interested in other volunteer activities outside of FIRST?)
Here are some of my thoughts, feel free to build upon them, or add your own.
The award ceremony at the World Championship Event: 2012 ceremony viewable here
• Please post a high quality video link on the FIRST website
• The event was held in the ballroom, students, parents, and supportive team members alike all crowded in the same spot. It would be great to see all of the finalists highlighted in some way before the ceremony begins. Have special seating next to the stage for all of the finalists, or at least a standing area where they can meet and network.
• While I understand there is not enough time during the ceremony to read of every name of all of the finalists, what about a pre-show video of the nominees stating their names, team, and nominating regional?
• Special roped off area, where each team of nominee can give 1 or 2 “press badges” for the event to be at the front. I had to keep asking the very tall fellow in front of my group to please allow our nominee’s mother and grandmother see the stage.
Share the information with the world!
I do not see a list of the finalists on the FIRST website, other than each regional’s award section. Perhaps a link to would be nice, and help build the content. I would like to read each of the winning submissions, but the essays are not posted anywhere.
**The selection criteria: What FIRST wants in its Dean’s List winners. **
Here is the elephant in the room, so I am putting a disclaimer that the following is in opinion of my own, not to be reflected on my team, or any other group I for which I am affiliated.
For the 2012 Dean’s list Award this was added to the selection criteria.
“Teams nominating students as FIRST Dean’s List Semi-Finalists should note that colleges and universities are extremely interested in recruiting FIRST Dean’s List Award students and accordingly, FIRST strongly urges teams to nominate a student in his or her junior year as a FIRST Dean’s List Semi-Finalist. While FIRST judges will consider any student nominated by their team as a FIRST Dean’s List Semi-Finalist, this year judges will give preference to students in their junior year when they make their selections to maximize the impact of the FIRST Dean’s List Award for students and colleges/universities supporting FIRST.”
Through the regional process, 114 finalists were selected, each I am certain is completely deserving of to be a Deans List Winner and I cannot even imagine how difficult it was to narrow this list down to 10.
Of the 10 finalists, 9 were juniors. I do not know the statistics of the 114, but I am willing to bet that 90% of them were not juniors, I would expect something closer to 50/50, and would expect a smaller number had the above lines not been in the selection criteria. I certainly extend a huge congratulations to the winners of the awards, as I previously stated, I am certain they are all very deserving individuals and will continue on to keep doing the great works in their communities.
Unintended consequences
As discussed in a previous thread
FIRST should be aware that there are concerns that the emphasis is no longer on promoting the students that best exemplifies the ideals of FIRST, but on the students FIRST believe has the best chance on winning scholarships from prestigious colleges and universities.
The ramifications of this: Mentors that are nominating students now must decide do they nominate the student that has made the biggest impact on the team and their community, OR the student that has the best chance at winning a scholarship and the award. Nominating a senior automatically places that student at a disadvantage, and nominating a junior could be passing up well deserving seniors. Regionals that have received a mix of nominations are forced with the same decision, do they promote a senior the best fits the ideals found in the Chairmans award, even if it knocks out a junior who is more likely to win at the championship level?
Here is my plea. If FIRST chooses to make a drastic change to rules involving a preference in age of the student, give teams a year of advanced warning. In 2011 teams that nominated seniors with the intention the then juniors could be nominated the following year gave these students a huge disadvantage. Even still, other teams read the criteria and decided to only nominate juniors, completely leaving many deserving seniors with no possibility of receiving the opportunities given by the Dean’s List. In either case, I am sorry for the FIRST senior class of 2012, and highly suggest to each team to make sure your students realize they are valued. Mentors that went with the “juniors only” strategy are probably unaware of the unintended consequences they have inflicted.
Here are my suggestions, I would love to hear others.
• Enlist the help of prestigious colleges. Give every school that offers a free ride tuition for all Deans List Winners a spot on the selection committee, and let each school select 1 member to the Dean’s List. This accomplishes FIRST’s desire to get the students names in front of the colleges, and the colleges’ desire to pick the cream of the crop. It will increase the number of Dean’s list Winners, and all students will be offered free ride scholarships from all colleges with members on the selection committee. Everyone wins.
• Change the rules back to where there is no emphasis on grade, age, gender, income, or any factors that is not “exemplifying the ideals of FIRST.” The colleges already selected the students they would like to pick, have 10 students in addition to whoever the colleges select.
• OR at the very least… Make the Dean’s List Winners 20 students total, 10 Juniors, 10 seniors. I like this idea less, but would at least be a move in the right direction.