So, to poll the opinions of all of you who’ve responded (thanks very much btw!), I propose this question:
Should I use the BNO055 or the ADXRS450?
This is the situation as I see it:
They are both available to me for free (by voucher the BNO055 won’t cost me anything). They both have Labview examples available. They are both probably above my learning curve so I’ll be posting here for help (I’m a second year programmer, and my team has never touched sensors).
I’d like to use one of them to help me build an autonomous that can traverse a defense and score a high goal. I want the sensor to help me get to an approximated shooting location in the courtyard. Vision code will identify our location relative to the goal, and then the sensor will correct the angular displacement and square us to the goal.
So, with the above in mind, and the goal that I have, BNO055 or ADXRS450?
Thank you all again so much for your help!