in need of your spanish speaking assistance

hello to all

I am volunteering this week at FLL as a translator for a team from Peru and on Saturday i would like to take thier team and one other team to one or two FRC teams to show them around the pits and explain a bit of the robot and since this year 1251 is not attending I have no team to go to.

I would like to ask for any of you guys if you would kindly volunteer, it would be awesome if you had someone there that spoke spanish to explain your team and robot but it is not necessary since i will be there also

if you would like to volunteer please respond to this or txt me at (954)803-3805

thanks and good luck this week

:D. I wish Dulce was coming now. :D.

I speak a little bit of Spanish but not enough to hold a conversation, especially not a coherent one.

Feel free to bring them by our pits and someone could explain while you translate.

That’s the best I have.

ok great thats awesome thanks man

will you be down at the pits on saturday

so thats one down a couple more to go

I’ll be there Saturday but I’m not sure exactly when robot the robot might be in there.

Might I also suggest 1771. They are very helpful and will take time to explain their robot to anyone who’s interested. Not to mention they have a lot of Neat features on their robot. Tell Sean that ttldomination sent ya. :D.

Contact 842 in the Newton area. We have a lot of kids who speak Spanish.

El equipo 1208 tiene muchas personas quien pueden hablar en espanol.

We have about 5 seniors who are in spanish 5, so if you want, you can come down to our pit! Excuse our students though… they are a little shy and may be a little timid to talk to some native speakers.

thanks a lot for everyone’s response

Between yesterday and today i took one of the teams to see swamp thing, thanks Brian and Dan

and we also met up with Andy and his drive team from 45 between their practice matches behind the field… thanks to you guys

Tomorrow it depends on the teams because they are technically done at 11 with their closing ceremonies and they are at the CNN Center so I am hoping they want to come and watch a little FRC so if that is the case I will take them to 1208 and 1771 and there is one more team that responded i think but i can not remember the name of the top of my head

thanks again for your help

the team I will be taking tomorrow will most likely be from Peru and they are 5 girls and their two guy mentors (it was a fun 3 days for us…nothing against girls of course)

If you stop by 1771, ask for “Dori”, she rocks.

Yo puedo hablar espanol tambien, pero yo no pienso que yo puedo hablar con “native speakers”. Spanish 4.

I probably murdered some grammar. :D.