Incompatible RoboRIO Image Version (error message)

Using latest WPILib, getting the error:

Invalid RoboRIO Image Version!
RoboRIO image and GradleRIO versions are incompatible:
        Current image version: 2024_v1.1
        GradleRIO-compatible image versions: 2024_v2.*

What is this error really telling us, and how do we solve it?

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To update your roboRIO.

  1. Uninstall FRC Game Tools
  2. Install FRC Game Tools
  3. Reimage your roboRIO

Docs available at FIRST Robotics Competition Control System — FIRST Robotics Competition documentation


Bit of a snarky response, but seems like you don’t have an up to date enough image for GradleRIO… time to update!

roboRIO image version 2024_v1.1 is a beta version and is not compatible with the official 2024 WPILib release. Follow the steps posed by Daltz3 to update your roboRIO properly.

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Thank you; where do we get the latest image? (Sorry for the noobness, first year as a programming mentor for FRC.)

Thank you; seems the student did not perform an uninstall of old NI before installing new. We’ll try that now.

Edit: worked. On the one hand, the instructions do say to uninstall. Student did not follow instructions. On the other hand, as the student put it, “I assumed a competent package manager would properly install the right stuff when upgrading.”

I appreciate the layers of abstraction needed to let HS programmers perform at this level. I also appreciate the donated software and hardware. I am frustrated, though, that these students are being taught to blindly follow complex and cumbersome instructions (have you seen how long an uninstall takes?) instead of critical thinking and understanding.

It does between official releases, for what it’s worth. The beta isn’t actually an official version in NI Package Manager, and it seems the sub-components aren’t properly differentiated.

Uninstalls don’t take long in my experience, but it’s been a while since i used something without an SSD for FRC.

That’s good to know. My experience was that uninstalling 2023 on two different semi-recent Razer laptops (with SSD) took—and here I’m estimating, didn’t use a stopwatch—15 to 30 minutes.