Indicator light cables?

Does anybody know where we can get the Allen-Bradley indicator light cable that connects to the cRio. We haven’t seen it in the KoP and are at a loss. It would be a huge help if you could tell us where we could get some.

Check out the FIRST Power Distribution Diagram and use 22AWG wire. There is no pre-made cable in the kit. You can use a PWM cable.

It doesn’t plug into the cRIO. It plugs into the RSL port on the Digital Sidecar. There’s a little blinky light that should mirror the Allen Bradley light.


Thank You it helped a lot. When I read him the response he said what I know it goes the the RSL. So that was my bad and not his. Thank You again.:slight_smile:

Can you post the diagram to connect it? I guess we can connect all combinations but we didn’t want to fry anything. Like, what do we do about the “N” slot? Which of the slots on the driver station do we connect to LA and LB?

Team 2502

N is Ground, LA and LB are jumpered together.

What we did is took one of the relay cables that you have in your kit, cut off one end then striped the wires. Works great.

Thanks! I ended up looking at the Data Connections on the FIRST control page