Infinite Scoring Glitch?

In the Game Manual, it says the only way the Algae can be reintroduced onto the field by the human player at the processor, does this mean that they can just drop the algae for the robot to be able to infinitely score 6 points there over and over with the same algae for the entire match?


I was wondering the exact same thing!

I was wondering this too (sitting directly next to you on the bus)! It seems like the human player can put the algae back on the field in addition to attempting to score it in the net. If so, the repeated 6 points would be a great strategy.

The opponent would be helping you though then right? because the processor is to the opponents human player


You score algae through the processor to the other teams human player. So it wouldn’t make sense for them to help you score infinitely. They would just rather score that Algae in the net.


ahh so I wasn’t the only one who thought of this

No. You give the algae to the OTHER alliance. You get 6 points for putting it in, but the other team gets 4 for shooting. It’s a net gain of 2.


The ALGAE agreement?


In the video it shows blue scoring into a red colored processor which is on their side, so do you never have to cross except for defending?

Esko’s team Subzero had a collaboration breakout room after kickoff and a lot of us were wondering this.