This year conferences look great! The lineup features some of the most respected names in FIRST, with presentations by Bill Beatty, Andy Baker, Paul Copioli, Ken Patton, Raul Olivera and more. If you’re looking to learn and be inspired you need to check out some of these presentations.
Just a reminder, this year the presentations will be starting on Wednesday night in the GWCC, with technical presentations from Raul Olivera (Pneumatic Power Concepts) and Karthik Kanagasabapathy (Effective FIRST Strategies), along with a workshop on “Motivating Your Team” by Kimberly O’Toole Eckhardt. If you’re already in Atlanta, you should make a point of dropping by.
The overall conference schedule may change a little so check back on it, but the Wednesday night conference schedule will not change.
You can view more information about the conference by going here:
And don’t miss the Chairman’s Award session, which will feature a panel of the 5 past chairman’s award winning teams (365, 111, 67, 254, 103). This session will occur on Thursday from 1:00-1:45pm.
Wednesday night would be a great time to attend the presentations made available by these outstanding mentors. If some of the team members are there un-crating the robot, others could come along for the presentations. The entire schedule is a treasure trove filled with information, knowledge, experience, and fun.