Integrating ROS into FRC

My team and I have been considering implementing ROS (Robot Operating System) in our robot for next year. Since we know that ROS can help with making autonomous programs and can later be brought into Unity to see in 3d, we’re looking forward to having it in our bot.
We haven’t been able to find good documentation or tutorials on how to even start connecting ROS to our robot code or just getting started with ROS in general. Really any help would be appreciated.

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You’re not the only one to be looking into this of recent.

This thread may be of interest with a lot of getting started info. Team 900 and @marshall are probably the most-active ROS proponents on this forum, and at least as far as I can tell have been the most public about what they’ve been doing.

For what it’s worth, WPILib has been building in all the major components to do a desktop, 2d simulation of most robots’ behaviors, including a lot of the physics, visualization, and desktop visualization. Before you set your heart fully on ROS for visualization purposes, definitely spend some time to understand what they already have, as it might be a faster way to get your needs met.

Best of luck! There’s a lot of different ways to make it work and get the value out of it, or so I’ve heard. Have some fun along the way!


Happy to try and help with specific questions. The ROS tutorials are a great place to start.


Are you trying to integrate with WPIlib Java?

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