Intelitek Learning Management System

Intelitek Learning Management System

**LearnMate LMS **
The robust LearnMate Learning Management System (LMS) is a full-featured learning and content management system, whose feature-set and proven performance are unmatched by any other management system on the market. Some of the many capabilities offered by the system include student learning, grade and skills tracking; upload, mapping, and tracking of skills standards and student skill acquisition; content and assessment authoring, delivery and tracking; asynchronous and synchronous communication between system users via email, chats and forums; and more.

Student and Class Management

  • Users and classes can be created ad hoc or imported from existing school or corporate databases Student users can self-register to the system, saving valuable instructor/manager time
  • Groups can be assigned as a single entity to courses and events
  • Simple addition, modification and deployment of course content, including:
    -Web-based interactive tutorials
    - Online assignments with file drop-box and rubric-based grading
    - Quizzes and tests
    - Relevant websites
    - Files (e.g. Word, PDF, Power Point, etc.)
    - And more
  • Complete instructor control over:
    - Content and test availability dates
    - Content prerequisites
    - Test delivery options
    - Gradebook activities and weights
    - Communication tools available to students, including chats, forums and mail
  • Certificates can be generated for students exceeding a pre-define cut-score for the course

Grade Tracking and Reporting

  • Automatic recording of system-generated grades
  • Auto-setup of gradebook, with ability for instructors to modify and add additional grading activities to the system
  • More than 20 built-in reports providing high level user, class and system management (e.g. class grades, module grades, test grades, system usage, progress, etc.)

Competency and Skill Management

  • Skills standards are easily uploaded to the system and cross-walked to content/assessments
  • LearnMate is packaged with the leading STEM standards, including ITEA’s Standards for Technological Literacy, NCTM’s Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, the Atlas of Science Literacy, the Department of Labor’s Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS), MSSC, NCIST, NCCER and more.
  • Off-the-shelf LearnMate Content modules are already mapped to all of the above standards, enabling instructors to output easy reports regarding how their curriculum meets skill requirements.
  • New content modules and assessment questions can be mapped to competencies
  • System tracks student skill attainment, specifically with regards to exposure to and understanding of skills through assessment and hands-on tasks

For a demonstration or additional information please contact Intelitek Sales at 800-221-2763.