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I have been thinking about creating a summer long project in the form of an engineering principal workshop. I would like to do several projects (one a week?) and put them online for anyone interested to see. I have a small list of projects as of right now and I am looking for some more.

Any thoughts on the idea? It is predicated on the concept that any of the designs I work on could easily provide insight to new teams, team members, and generally a vast community of tech oriented people.

Perhaps a suggestion for projects?

I currently want to create a lifter mechanism and potentially a passive wrist end-effector for an arm.

Thank you, and be sure to let me know what you think.

Will update further

You could look through all of the white papers and get some info from there. You could compare different mechanisms that are meant for the same task but show the pros and cons of each. Also things like how to optimize a drive train.

I would be very interested in watching a series like this. Will this be FRC related, or more engineering in general? Either way, a great idea. I am sure I will be watching them.

Yay! :smiley: Something to watch during the summer owo I’ll be sure to tune in just to get some extra experience for next year :3

How about something like space efficiency (on and/or off the robot)? It can show newer teams good ideas when it comes to managing the workspace and reducing clutter :3

We could probably use an episode on making things water resistant/proof.

runs for cover


There you go.

Thanks Ed, maybe some of this will show up in the KoP?

I foresee the kids using it for very very bad things.

Though nonetheless there is interest? What are some things you guys would want to see done? I am up for waterproofing systems. :smiley:

I would definitely be interested, and anticipate their release, should you carry it out.

Point taken. Although using this, along side the pool noodles (which obviously are there to make the robots float) may give us excellent aquatic robots.

I am very interested. Post them here when you have a channel!

and thus the question of whether a FRC bot with bumpers can float was born…

I take no liability for anything that goes wrong!! Ed, your prediction seems to be coming to fruition sooner than I had thought.

The more I think about it, the more likely this project becomes. does anyone have episode ideas?

The list stands at:
Chassis drive options,
Waterproofing system?
gripper for non-uniform object (still need someone to suggest an odd shape to grip. It can be anything from a toaster to a bent pizza box. Think abstractly)

What would you like to see? Think about what next years game and endgame might be. when I have a list, I will be able to start looking for necessary resources.

Thank you,
Robert Sarakin

I’d like to see a way to throw a football.

I would like to see approaches to strategies, kind of a how to guide for rookie teams.
Like easy drive system, ect.

So the list stands at:
Drive systems (simplistic),
Footballs? (I can think of a few ways to do that),

Sounds good. That should get me 4 weeks of work and sufficient video to discuss. If you know anyone else who would be interested in watching or suggesting a project be sure to refer them here.

I have been playing around with the idea of a waterproof system (My test facility will be my driveway, so in the event that it does get caught outside even shortly…)

Maybe a bit of insight as to the design process? I suppose I could take one project and document The process I went through designing it.

You should do one video on how to organize electrical systems and keep wires neat. This I imagine would be a big help to some people.

I won’t necessarily have a “full” workshop; I am really keeping the capacity to a minimum (somewhere near just enough to complete the projects set out before the summer,) thus I will not necessarily get to go over the importance of shop organization.

as far as on board systems go, when installing the systems on the chassis, which I have decided I will do (with whatever electronics become available, I will be sure to allot space for a standard “FRC legal control system footprint” regardless of what system I use.

any more ideas? I think I have enough to span the summer, but I would love to hear more suggestions.

The list is as follows:
Chassis Drive Options,
Lifter mechanism,
Passive wrist,
Football thrower,

Underline indicates that I do not yet have resources to work on the project, though I am working on it.

I need to thank Paul Lathrop from 1033 for working with me on getting some used parts shipped over, which I hope will be arranged and seen through within the next two weeks.

Furthermore, I would like to thank my team, 1676, (Mentor Don Rotolo, Mr. Killian, and all others associated) for allowing me to scavenge our supply of scrap aluminum.

Keep up to date with this project via CD,

excited to design :smiley: