Intermittent Motor Power (Ker chunking Drivetrain) with Drivetrain and FRC-Characterization tool

Hi All,

Not sure everyone is seeing this issue. Our drivetrain subsystem and the FRC-Characterization tool was intermittently going to zero power causing what sounded like a bad gearbox etc. Just added the <motorname, speedcontroller>.feed() command to whatever method is running the motor and it eliminated the issue. This command needs to be seen a minimum of every couple of cycles. Probably would only be a problem if you are not using the built in WPILIB drivetrain commands or simple SET commands. if you are writing direct to the motor controller this could become an issue for you. Needs to be added to the autonomous periodic method of the frc-characterization tool if you are using it.

It sounds like you modified the frc-characterization template? The template is intended to be used unmodified and uses DifferentialDrive tankDrive method which calls feed.

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