International FIRST

I don’t know if this is the right forum to place this in, I’m just looking for the place where i can get maximum input on this topic, and i guess if it’s in the wrong place someone will move it… anyway!

This is my first year involved in FIRST, and as I’m a senior in high school it could well be my last too. I really knew nothing about it until this weekend when I went with a few other team members to richmond for the kickoff and ever since then this program has swept me off my feet - pretty remarkable considering that I’ve never really held much interest in robots before and this is not something I would have ever imagined myself doing…
I’m originally from Australia, and I’m going back there this year after I graduate. Though FIRST is an “international” thing, Australia doesnt have a team and I was thinking I’d like to help change that. My uncle is an engineer back in Australia, and I used to attend a private school there that would definately have students with the funds to travel overseas for competition, and if we could just get a corporate sponsor and some teachers/engineers/mentors on board, I’d love to start a team back there… what I’m looking for is anyone who has started a team before, any advice, input, anything…somehow, someone started a team in england…why not? But… is it even possible for a 17 year old student who’s only a rookie at this anyway to accomplish this, especially in another country…
:confused: It’s something I would love to do… Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Hey Man,
Great idea, let me tell u. it was great hanging around teams from different countires. The SPORKS rocked (England Team). I know at Nats they sing the American, Canadian, and Brazilian National Anthems, so I guess theres people from Brazil involved too. FIRST is awesome. I think the only reason FIRST is not that International is because FIRST has to beg cooperations enough to get funding for the American competitions. Imagine trying to get more? lol. Well, theres other companies out there. but back to the point. great idea, I definately think that could happen, and I would love to see it happen. You can always come back as an Alumni, and be a coach, mentor anything. My senior year too, WAHHHHHHHHHHH, I have to leave student status, I dont wanna, it’s too much fun. One thing I might think would work is, get a hold of the BIG man. that’s right, Dean Kamen. Write him, email him, phone him, stock him< — jk, anything necessary. I think hell love the idea. Just make sure you can make it over here. Hope it works, I guess I’ll find out in 2004. Adios

Well, when you get back home start doing all the orgnaization in order to start a team. Find a school that would be interested, find sponsors and Engineers that would be willing to help. It would be really sweet to see a team from Australia!!! Good Luck:]

Without a doubt that would be beyond cool!!! I think that you should definetly at least try. The more wide spread the better and the better the more competition we have to CRUSH!!! Just kidding… Go for it dude!!! Learn as much as possible and just run with it!!!

The difference between starting and ending is the first step.
You just took the first “F.I.R.S.T.” step by asking, your over the hump and its all down hill from here on. LOL
As stated above, "GO FOR IT:.

Jacqui -

Where in Australia? Several Australian universities have significant robotics departments, and may be interested in supporting a team. I know some folks at ANU and University of Wollongong, and a few others that you might contact if you want. And since the FIRST competition takes place during the Austral summer, conflicts with silly things like classes will be out of the way!

Several FIRST alumni have gone on to college and started teams on their own, so this is definitely something that you can do (and I am sure that some of them will be glad to help!).


p.s. I even have a suggestion for your robot name - call it the “WOM-BOT”!!!:smiley: :smiley:

The SPORKS rocked

why thank you :slight_smile:

We were started by an exchange student from MIT who was studying at Cambridge University (our team is based in Cambridge). He was really into FIRST and wanted to start a team here.

There are a few technical issues to overcome such as shipping (it took 3 months to ship last year’s robot back from the US last year). But the rest of the problems were similar to starting a rookie team in the US - the team had very little experience and had no idea where to start. All this requires is that there is someone such as yourself who has some experience of the process in previous years.

Professional engineers to give pointers here and there are obviously a great help also.

Being the only FIRST team for 3000 miles can be a bit daunting but if you keep you keep calm and stick to what you are doing, not comparing yourself with anyone else, you’ll do just fine.

Like useless member says “GO FOR IT”, take FIRST to another continent. Maybe in a few years time there will be an Australian regional…

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You mentioned that your father was an engineer… perhaps you could get contacts from him. He should know some good contacts in the engineering world. Then, pick your topw 3 favorite schools and pitch FIRST to them. Bring along any video you have… and try to get the 'bot you build this year to come along. When we try to get other schools involved, the biggest impact comes when they get to see what students build. Also, pitch the exact same thing to contacts your father can provide you with. First, try his company, then span out to other companies. Try to pick companies or privatly owned businesses that specialize in things you need. Like metal working, programming, robotics, automotive, and food (can’t forget food!). Since there pobably won’t be a regional in Australia until there are at least 24 teams… try to start 24 teams (duh). And if you can’t, you might also want to get an airline to sponsor you so you can have cheap air fair to the regionals/nationals of your choice. If you want any documentation or starter help with motors, electronics, or just about anything else… drop me an E-mail ([email protected]). My team has a bunch of that sort of thing ready because of our MOE University we put our rookies through every year. Let us know how you make out!

to those of you who replied, THANKYOU!!! I didn’t really have my hopes too high on this post, was kinda expecting a few you may be in over your head type posts; i gotta say I was blown away by all your support! It’s definately given me some hope, I talked to my uncle the engineer last night and he said he’d be more than willing to help out … I’ve been really surprised in that everybody I’ve mentioned this to seems to be really excited about it! I’m from Melbourne, Australia, so that’s where I’ll be going back to dave. . I know of a few uni’s in melbourne with great engineering programs and I’m sure that somewhere in there would have to be robotics… an airline sponsor is a great idea, had never even thought of that…but, would definately be worth looking into! As for starting 24 teams, maybe not next year :yikes: lol but who knows where it may lead in years to come, I think once the first one was started it would be a downhill run :slight_smile:
oh…and cute name - wombot… don’t be surprised if you see it in a year or two…really cute :smiley:
thanks again for all the support guys, you guys are great!

If you would want some help starting a team in Australia, our team would definitely love to help. Just this year, we started a program call FIRST Interactive Rural SupporT to help support, maintain, mentor, and begin new teams in rural and isolated areas and Australia is definitely isolated from the states and other teams. If you would like some help from our team with finding sponsors, mentoring, fundraising - anything at all - we’ll (as well as the many other teams who have joind FIRST Interactive Rural SupporT) help you with anything you need to get started.
You can contact us at [email protected] with any of your questions, comments, or concerns. Please feel free to also check out our FIRST Interactive Rural SupporT website as well at Hope we can help!!!

Jess Jank.
Cybersonics Technology Team 103

*Originally posted by SkitzoSmurf *
I know at Nats they sing the American, Canadian, and Brazilian National Anthems, so I guess theres people from Brazil involved too.

That seems to be possible. I’ll search and find out.

Rodrigo Ribeiro
Team 383 - The Brazilian Machine

thanks jess, ur teams program for rural/isolated teams sounds great - dont be surprised if you hear from me later in the year once im back on aussie grounds :slight_smile: