Intra team competition Team1989

Question was do we got “old fashioned” like every year that means Aluminum Frame, Andy mark gear boxes etc etc. Or do we finish the off season 3d print project and go plastic. Well at least for the first couple of weeks we are going to pursue both paths and see what is going to happen. The following are some pics of the 3d Printied project

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When all 4 motors and wheels are mounted. (currently 1 motor and 2 wheels are mounted) we will talk a little less than 30 lb including the electronics (roborio, Talon srx etc). Right now the top plate is hardboard in the final version once we know where everything goes it will be lexan. If we want to shave some weight we could replace the churros with 1/2 in PVC hex shafts and if we want to up the weight we replace and maybe add some steel hex shafts in the hex holes. Well we will see how the project goes.

It is a fascinating prototyping system, but this game isn’t going to be any less brutal for the 1 robot on defense rule. The field is a lot more open this year, so expect hard hits. And falls off Level 3. On to your robot.

Initial tests are promising. And we by no means use PLA its mostly Nylon (The stuff the Toughbox mini covers are made off. Most challenging thing so far was to stiffen it up sufficiently to keep it from flexing and bouncing too much. We will hopefully make some real “Crash tests” soon against our Metal bot. And if it gets really brutal we can insert 1/2in hex steel shafts in the frame part in which case the 3d printed parts just hold the steel shafts in place. Right now for the test we have some of the hex channels populated with Churros just to give sufficient stiffness to the frame. The planetary you see is also printed out of Nylon I posted a 3 part series on those on the youtube channel. Well I keep you guys updated as to how it goes intent is to build one 3d printed one and a regular one and then have them duke it out and use the “survivor” or a combination of them here is a link