hello everyone. SamSofa330 and i have been developing a FIRST Site Network. our goal is to provide a simple way for team to link to each other and network our sites.
our main page is located at http://fsn.thegreenteam885.org/ feel free to add your site but we ask that you add a link to us on your site. also if you would like to have the list on your site email me at forest(at)blkice(dot)net and i will write the code to integrate into your site i will also make the colors customized for your site.
if you have any questions or comments post em here! this is a work in progress so we are open to suggestions.
Looks good, I was working on something similar to give teams a list of random team sites. If you can PM me your database structure I can modify my code to work on that database. I had a field for a image link and one for team description just to allow teams to use the random stuff for whatever they wanted.
To add to what fimmel said, you can also PM me and I can also right up the needed HTML code (and color customize it) so that it will flow nicely with your site layout! Also, please post your suggestions for a v2 (or 1.01…).
EDIT: Also, if you made a mistake on the URL you entered or the name of your team/organization, contact either me or fimmel and we can make proper adjustments to the list/database.
Do to a few mix-ups and us not realizing FSN (FIRST Scouting Network) was already established, and us not wanting to have the same acronym of that of another FIRST organization, we have changed our name to FIRST Web Network [FWN]. You can now view the list at http://fwn.thegreenteam885.org
Don’t forget to add your team’s or organization’s site to the list. We will soon be adding a “How To Use” page so you can copy/paste a block of code to your team’s page and instantly have an updated list each time you view your page. And according to last years web site judging criteria, judges enjoy seeing teams link to other teams sites as a way of promoting other teams and the FIRST organization as a whole.