has anyone out there used it and if so what are the up and the downs of it
I had a chance to play with a bit ago, and it’s pretty sweet. The main coolness is that Sheet Metal is a ton better, and much more intuitive.
yea, i’ve used it as well. the UI is a little different, nothing major though, besides that they changed up the start page thing.
ohh, and one major improvement; i haven’t crashed it yet, not that i won’t… but on inventor 11 it took all of a few minutes for me to crash it… and i wasn’t doing anything that spectacular…
ohh, and the content center has been modified a lot as well. i haven’t used it extensively yet, but it seems good. it loads slow the first time you launch it in an assembly, but after that it’s much faster.
the design analysis stuff is pretty cool as well. this was the first version that i’ve actually played with it though, so i can’t compare it to previous versions. i didn’t have any major problems with it or anything. I found it pretty interesting.
seems like i read somewhere that there were some improvements to the tube and pipe/electrical stuff. i haven’t played with it yet in this version though.
hmm, that’s all i can think of off the top of my head.
at any rate, so far i’ve been impressed with it. it seems petty solid so far. :rolleyes:
Does anybody know where to get a copy of this in a demo version, the usual 30-day thing, if they have one?
college students can download a free copy at http://students.autodesk.com this is an un-restricted student copy.
High school students can get Inventor 2008 as well from http://engineersrule.org by following the information for those without edu email. Might need to request code through teacher. I don’t remember exactly the proceedure but it can be found on the website.
Also single part (no assembly) Inventor LT can be downloaded for free from http://labs.autodesk.com
Do not install both on the same machine.
well, the only problem I currently found with it is that it can make your computer crash:ahh:
I’m running it on a 3.6ghz P4 with 1.5 gigs of Kingston HyperX (gaming) RAM with a GeForce 6800 and it was still running and loading up slow. Not a huge deal but could lead to your pc crashing. (Get a dual core? )
un-restricted as in not a 30 day trial? it is the full version?
Free 14 month license when registered. Full version Autodesk Inventor Professional but it prints student edu watermark on drawings. R11 is still available and previously r10 was available. If history repeats going into the future, students will have essentially perpetual free access to latest software during their studies.
There is also a curriculum in pdf format for download on the site.
I totally agree. I have an AMD athalon 64 at 2 GHz, 1.5 gigs of ram, and an ATI Fire GL and it take 5 minutes to load!!! LOL!!! I think I’ll go use my dads Core 2 Duo Extreme
I have a Sempron 3100+ with 1GB of crappy Ram and it takes like 45 sec to load. Graphics card has nothing to do with the initialing loading. Only RAM, Processor, and HD speed matter.
Inventor’s speed is practically directly proportional to your RAM amount and speed. I run Inventor on a machine with 4 gigs of Corsair Dominator XMS2, and it runs sooooo fast and well.
My other machine has 1.5 gigs, and is slow in comparison… All of the HD and CPU specs are the same across the machines. (but not the cases)
does any one know why the design accelerator in inventor 2008 does not show up I have inventor 10, 11 installed if that has anything to do with it
That happened to me about a week ago while I was using Inventor 10. Not really sure what the problem is, and I still can’t tell whether it’s a bug in Inventor or just something stupid I did to make the window disappear. The taskbar shows that I’ve opened a new window but no window ever appears…
Someone recommended I uninstall and reinstall, though I’ve yet to do that. I’ll let you know how it turns out.
i did that with 2008 and it worked i don’t know why but it did
Well, can you tell me why it still takes about a minute and a half for it to start up on my computer- 3.6 P4 + 1.5Gb RAM. The hard drive I have is actually fast, my hdd. Could it have anything to do with running it in RAID by any chance?
Or could it be that I need to install after defraging the drives? Hope somebody can help lower the time.:] Guess I could put up more $$$ for more RAM:(
…Oh and I fixed my crashing problem! yay. Led to re-installing Inventor though.
just wondering, has anybody else had any problems in running a rendering in winamp, it only brings up the first frame or picture part, than it just keeps it on that, it wont go any further. also when creating a .idw file, my comp. kinda crashes while doing this.
Please tell me that they did not do another ridiculous overhaul on the 2008 version (as they did on the 2007). I still prefer Inventor 8 (it was the one I started on). Our school computers are getting upgraded but I fear that it will not be good enough if they keep going at this rate. All I want is a software I can easily use (without crashing the computer). I believe that if they want to make the high-graphic version, that is fine. Just make a simpler version as well for us that don’t have an endless supply of money for a computer. If Inventor keeps going at this rate, then FIRST will start having to provide computers that can actually run it (if they want to keep the playing field level). My team, I am sure, will continue to play even if Inventor starts giving others an advantage, however FIRST may seem less favorable to new starting teams.
I am truly Impressed with this release honestly. I’m running a dell inspiron E1705(complete with chipped paint media buttons). Core 2 duo 2.14Ghz, 2 gigs of ram, 7200RPM HDD, and a Radeon X1400 graphics card. Runs great, nice and quick. Oh BTW, i’m running it on Vista (no bugs yet)
I’m not sure about that. The software actually doesn’t require all that much out of your system. So I doubt that this will be a huge factor for teams to make turn down FIRST. All bugs can be fixed and Inventor can even be run on lowly Celerons and Semprons of 2ghz or more. For any more specs refer to the Autodesk site.
“Note: The preceding requirements are recommended for effective use of Autodesk Inventor 2008 software. The following minimum system requirements for Autodesk Inventor 2008 can be used for educational purposes or small assembly design: Intel® Celeron® or AMD® Sempron™ (or better) with 512MB RAM and 1.5 GB available hard disk space. Installation of the Content Center requires an additional 1.8 GB of hard disk space and can be installed on a local workstation or centralized on a server location for access by multiple users.”-Autodesk site
I don’t think this is asking too much from any team or computer.:]