Hello, how many times can the key in the KOP copy of Autodesk Inventor be activated? We wanted to install it on a few of our lab machines for CAD.
i think their single-seat, single-user, in other words, once
Actually twice. Once on a primary computer and once on a secondary. Other than that each team member that registers with Autodesk can get a serial/product/activation code set. I have been emailing with AutoDesk over this issue. If you are installing on a machine that does not have Internet access you can submit a request to: [email protected] with the following information
· Your phone number
· Your email address
· Your mailing address
· Your serial number
· Your request code
and if you have any other questions you can email: [email protected]
hey. where is the codes to activate the program anyways??? i cant find them.
I can’t find the serial number or product key for the AutoCAD Inventor that came with our 2011 KoP either. Does anyone know where to find them?
Your serial number should be on the plastic box that the DVD’s were shipped in.
If not you can go to http://students.autodesk.com/?nd=first_home
This website sign up and download copies and get serial numbers if you need to.
Actually our KoP disc did not come with the numbers printed on it either. I emailed AutoDesk about it and they said that there was a ‘glitch’. Have you registered with AutoDesk? If not go to this link
Register and then when you login there should be two links, one to download software and the other to “Get serial number and product key”. Click the link and it should provide you with the info you are looking for. This is the process we had to go through to get the numbers for our copy of Inventor anyway…