Inventor problem

How do you put angles between 3d objects.

I have 3 axles that I want to have parallel to each other but i want lines along the ends that are at a defined angle.

Not sure what to do. I tried making a 2d sketch, project geometry, constrain lines to the center point of the axles end and then putting an angle between the lines. It gives me an error saying over constrained, i think that the projected geometry won’t move the 3d shapes.

I also tried using the 3d angle constraint but that isn’t what I want also.

if you wouldn’t mind, posting a screen shot would help in this situation.

here i just want to specify the angle between the axles

untitled.bmp (82.7 KB)

untitled.bmp (82.7 KB)

Is this in a part or in an assy, if it is in a part, can you make some lines and just use a fix constraint? Dont worry about constraining them just hold them in place as reference points? If it is in an assy, can you use a combination of angle constraints with the different workplanes of different parts to get them where you want?

I am pretty certain it is an assembly. Looks to me like it is a unique part that I would like to see when it is finished. As far as finishing it goes, I never avoid making ‘modifications’:wink: to a part to help it constrain better. Just make sure you don’t change the part in anyway that will ruin the part. Trust me, it works better then it sounds and when done correctly, the part will look exactly the same even to the well-trained eye.

I would create two planes at the desired angle then constrain the axis to the planes. It should work fine.

I don’t have Inventor right now or i would post a screen shot.:frowning:

In reality, what will it be that constrains these parts? Your best bet is to model that, honestly, because you may find that artificially constraining parts leads to trouble during manufacturing and assembly.