IRI "Pack To School"

Part of the IRI “Entry Fee” for 2004 was a backback filled for a 2nd grader. Backpacks collected will be combined with ones donated by Rolls-Royce Indianapolis employees and provided to worthy students.

IRI participants this year donated 66 backpacks for this program. With only 49 teams - that is pretty awesome. I know one local company saw what we were doing and brought in several to add to the cause.

I want to add a special thank you to team 397 “The Knight Riders”. At the last minute, they were unable to attend the IRI. However, they made a special effort and shipped their backpack to Lawrence North to be sure it got to a student! Carletta from 1024 delivered the backpack to me yesterday, and it is now part of the collection! Thanks 397 for the extra effort and help. Exceptional!

Due to the great response from the IRI, Rolls-Royce expects to be able to provide backpacks to two schools instead of one.

You all are truly making a difference in the lives of a worthy and needy 2nd grader. I am positive their school year will have a fantastic start because of your generosity! I hope to make this a ‘permanent addition’ to the IRI.!

Thanks again from the IRI Planning Committee, Rolls-Royce, Maplewood Elementary and Stout Field Elementary schools, and a bunch of excited 2nd graders.

School has started, and the total number of backpacks collected was 326! Plus, some extra cash was donated to help buy other supplies.

The backpacks were delivered to the two schools August 11. Janet O’Neil is the principal at Maplewood and said “This really helps all of those children to start the school year on the right foot. They are so excited when they come in and see all of the back packs and get to choose the one they want”.

Thanks again to everyone who donated to the “IRI Back to School” - what a difference you all made!

Chris -