Does anyone know the proper methodology for the International Roughness Index? My friend’s car popped a tire on our road and we want to file a lawsuit against the group that paved our road–we find it far too rough for the town to safely drive across.

Thank you in advance!

Easy there, Satan.


I have some experience in troubleshooting and an interesting in possibly studying IRI law-any more specific detail you can give as to specific measurements and whanot in order to determine the severity of the problems?


Well, the car was #rekt by a factor of about 70, but I don’t really know if we qualify with a rating of 70 to make the lawsuit happen. What does the 70 actually mean?

Can a mod move this thread to the “Chit Chat” forum?

I contacted my friend at the Insured Retirement Institute, and according to the Industrial Research Institute, that’s pretty standard in Canada as determined by the International Republican Institute