Is an appendage part of the robot?

If the 28" X 38" perimeter of a robot is entirely outside the key, but an appendage is sticking out and contacting the key, is the robot “touching” the key? Will you earn a foul if you contact this robot with yours?

This seems like an obvious question, but I have not been able to find it in the official Q&A (or on Chief Delphi). Maybe I’m using the wrong search terms.

Does anyone have an answer based on competition experience, or can they point me at the official answer I have missed?

Yes, an appendage is part of a robot

Yes, you would get a foul in the situation you described (all other rules would apply)

Robots may not touch an opponent Robot in contact with its Key, Alley, or Bridge.
Violation: Foul; Technical-Foul for purposeful, consequential contact.

Is the only rule that applies here. In the manual their is nothing explicitly stating “an appendage is part of a robot” but I guess to that I would ask what exactly would it be apart of, if not a robot?


I guess you could infer from this that appendages would be a part of the robot

The Robot must satisfy the following size constraints:
horizontal dimensions must not exceed 28 by 38 in.,
the absolute height must not exceed 84 in.,
the height of the Robot at the start of the match must not exceed 60 in.,
any appendage may not extend more than 14 in. beyond the frame perimeter

My interpretation of the rule is that ANY part of the robot touching the key protects the robot. Our design this year significantly increases our robot’s “footprint” when our appendage is deployed and we count on the protection of the key even when only our appendage is touching the key.

I would also offer that other teams have this same interpretation as I’ve even seen some teams using the “zip tie trick” to ensure their appendage is actually contacting the key when deployed (via the strategically placed zip tie).

I guess if you want to be certain though, post it to Q&A…I think they are still addressing questions.

Good Luck!

I’d like to, but I just created my account today. When I log in and click on “Team Questions”, I get the message “Your request is pending”. I’m assuming I need to wait for something to get set up. Any idea how long that would take?

On a related note, I’d welcome some insight into G28. If my Blue robot is playing defense and is well outside the Red key, can a Red robot come out and strike my robot and earn foul points for Red (assuming they can hit me while still touching their key). If they repeatedly hit me, would that be considered a strategy to exploit G44?

On the official Q&A there is the question “Is a strategy to exploit G28 considered to be a strategy to exploit G44 which would be a technical foul and red card according to G45?” The answer is “yes”, but it not clear to me that it would apply to the Red robot in my scenario above.

Yes, Red can make Blue take penalties under those conditions; I’ve seen it happen repeatedly. Same with the lanes. As for touching the protected areas, anything on the robots counts. Since I’ve seen the penalty given for touching a robot with nothing but zip ties touching (Bomb Squad in KC) this question seems to have already been answered.

We saw a robot in KC that was warned about exploiting G44; they stopped doing this after the warning and iirc never got the red card. They were using the lane, but it’s the same thing as the key. I have no idea how many times you have to draw the penalty before you’re considered to be “exploiting”, but it has happened at some point.

Yes, but recall that “touching” in this game is not “breaking the plane” but rather “being in direct physical contact”. In other words, some part of the contiguous appendage would need to be on the HDPE of the key.

What type of account? It sounds as if you’re “request” is actually your request to join your team (in the Q&A’s records). Your team’s main contact should have account information on TIMS. This is the only account that can ask questions. Once logged in, type your question in the search, look through the related answers, and then post your question as-written if it’s not already covered. (Instructions)

Yes. Remember that Blue has a right to their key shots, and getting you to move is part of that.

Calling G45 is highly situation-dependent. I can tell you that G45 is a rare call, and that it’s not unheard of to have multiple G28s on the same robot/pair of robots in one match. I’d recommend watching videos of matches with low/no foul points for good examples of legal defense.

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