Florida finally had an offseason this weekend where I was able to talk to a decent number of teams. I like to stick my nose where it doesn’t belong and love to talk about current goings on, teams opinions of them as well as some of the big questions (transitioning to districts, would they support the return of 2 champs if it meant the return of automatic qualification for RAS, and a guaranteed wildcard, etc.) Of the currently 57 non-rookie teams I have now spoken to representatives of about half of them and only 1 expressed dislike for the current system/the reserve slots and it is strictly because they chose to register for their travel event round 1 and are now waitlisted for their home event. I consider this a feature of the system not a bug and personally would be very upset if teams were forced to sign up for their geographically closest event.
Right now the average regional event capacity when compared to last year (ignoring mexico 3rd and china which would throw this off) is 10 less. This is consistent with the average number of waitlist spots held by events in my experience. I imagine by the time we get to competition season the capacities will be equal or greater than they were last year as a few events I know are holding more than 10 waitlist spots for reasons I will get into below
I do not think there should be a standardized process for waitlist spots, as not all areas are the same. The Regional Director/Program Delivery Partner holds their discretion on the number of waitlist spots and who/how teams are pulled from it because they are more connected (in theory) with the local area and teams in it. If FIRST put down an edict on the exact number of slots or the exact process used to pull said slots that is more likely to lead to disaster than it is to success.
Lets go with a simple rule: Teams are pulled off the waitlist in the order they signed up.
Right now the Orlando Regional is at capacity I assume there is at least 1 team on the waitlist for said event. I also assume this is a team looking for their 2nd event as the regional was not at capacity during initial sign up.
I know of 5 Florida teams who are currently not signed up for any event, these are single event teams who Orlando has always been their single event. These teams also always sign up late and a few are nearly or over 20 years old. Should they be put behind a team on the list who signed up before them but are already registered for an event? Most would agree they shouldn’t so lets change the rule.
All teams looking for a first play should be pulled before teams looking for a second, and all second plays should be pulled before teams looking for a third play. These should be pulled in the order they signed up.
Lets start with pulling in the order they signed up within the play:
The Regional Director was just informed one of their prerookie teams has decided not to participate this year so this opens up a slot to pull someone off of the waitlist. The RD is looking at the waitlist first on the list is team 1YYY they are from the next state over, always attend the event, and signed up for it during initial registration but just missed making it on the list. They are now signed up for the event geographically closest to them thanks to second event registration.
Second on the list is team 1ZZZ. They are an international team and were the first team added during second event registration. They do have a regional in their country and signed up for it during initial registration. After getting on the waitlist you received an email from the lead mentor of team 1ZZZ letting you know they are excited to possibly attend your event for the first time however in order to ensure they can attend the event they need to know by November 15th if they are going to be pulled (the reason doesn’t matter but it could be paper work or that is the last date to get a refund on their deposit for some part of the trip)
Now you know that team 1YYY has attended your event multiple times when you have pulled them off the waitlist post kick off, but as stated above team 1ZZZ has a hard date that they need to know if they are attending by.
I think once again most of us would agree that pulling team 1ZZZ first is a reasonable thing to do since you also believe you should have the ability later in the season to pull team 1YYY.
Now on to teams with 3rd plays being pulled before teams looking for a second play.
Once again you are a Regional Director. Team 1AAA is not a “local” team since they have an event closer to them but always attends your event as it is still very close to them. Team 1AAA also provides a lot of volunteers for the event: Inspectors, Refs, Queuing, Safety Glasses Table you need it they fill it. During initial signups they signed up for an event across the country, then during second event registration your event reached capacity before their slot was called so they got their second choice, their local event.
They have now signed up for your event as their 3rd. Without their help you are not certain you can pull many more teams and not overwhelm the current volunteers you have signed up, or even have enough to fill all the roles you need, you have sent emails asking for volunteers but none are coming in. So you decide to pull them off the waitlist alongside 9 other teams who are looking for their second play. However Team 1BBB were not pulled and are now upset because you pulled 1AAA who now gets three plays and 1BBB is stuck at one unless their third choice pulls them off their list.
In an ideal world 1BBB would get their second play over 1AAA getting their third however 1AAA being in attendance gives the RD the comfort to pull 9 other teams off alongside them and most of us would agree that even if 1AAA gives them the comfort of just 1 additional team getting off the list then it is a worthy trade off.
This is why anything that makes the waitlist open or have to follow a specific set of rules can create more harm than good as teams do not always have the whole picture of what is going on at event or even in their area.
Now all that being said I thought the waitlist gives teams some sort of indication of their likelihood to get off it or I might be misremembering someones suggestion or something on the previous version of the system that is no longer in place.