Is anyone using the Pigeon 2.0 from AndyMark and if do can you use it for first Also, what are you guys using for Photovision

Is anyone using the
Pigeon 2.0 from AndyMark and if do can you use it for first
Also, what are you guys using for Photovision.

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Hi Brayden!

You can absolutely use the Pigeon 2.0 on your FRC robot. While I havent used it personally, there are many teams that have used it very successfully.

For your question about photonvision, are you asking what hardware people are using to run the software?


If you want to run PV effectively, you can find my roundup on coprocessors here:

I recommend the Orange Pi 5, with Beelink Mini S N5095 as a backup if you want it quicker.


We have been using the Pigeon 2.0 with our swerve. It’s been working well.

We ran some rough Photonvision tests on a spare Pi 3 I had on hand just to get our feet wet. We’ve ordered an Orange Pi 5 and may be using it alongside a Limelight 2+.

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We (UMN Robotics) had success with running PhotonVision on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ for apriltag detection, connected to the roboRIO over ethernet/networktables.
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