The real answer to your question is: to take your team to the “next level”, you need to start working through a proper engineering process.
You can build a robot by assembling the Kit of Parts and then spending the next six weeks trying to improve it. “Ooh, I have an idea!” “Well, that didn’t work.” “Ooh, I have another idea!”
However, this is not engineering. This is hacking.
Engineering is a disciplined process. There are various definitions, but one I found on Wikipedia lists these steps: research, conceptualization, feasibility assessment, establishing design requirements, preliminary design, detailed design, production planning and tool design, and production.
For FRC, that would look like:
Research/Conceptualization - what is the game? what are all the possible things a robot could do? What are the offensive actions? What are the defensive actions? What are the point values of each? What are the cycle times of each action? What can be done in a 2-minute match? In a 3-robot alliance, how could each robot contribute?
Feasibility Assessment - Of all these things that could be done, what are the easy things? What is harder? Is a harder task worth it? This starts to take into account your team’s level of ability and available resources. For example, climbing is a hard task. Maybe it takes 20 seconds. It’s worth 10 points. Are there other actions you could do in 20 seconds that could score the same, such as scoring two high goals or damaging the fifth defense?
Design Requirements - Based on all the above, choose what you are going to focus on. Lock this down early to prevent scope creep. For example, we decided early on that our robot would be low bar capable, would shoot low goals, use vision assist for an autonomous low goal mode, be FAST, and be able to handle all the ground obstacles. It was tempting at various stages to try to add a climber, high goal capability. a sally port door opener, etc. But we knew we didn’t have the resources to build a Swiss Army Knife on wheels. We kept our focus on the design requirements we agreed on, knowing that if we had time later, we could go back and iterate.
Preliminary design - brainstorming, napkin sketches, prototyping. Now you have a rough idea of exactly what you want to build.
Detailed design - now you nail down exactly how the mechanisms are going to be built, their dimensions, weight, cost, etc.
Where does CAD fit into all this? It helps you with the design stages, and it forces you to actually DO the design stages so you’re not tempted to jump right into the shop to start cutting metal without first having a plan. Plus, it is a tool to help you with those design stages so you can play with dimensions and designs without committing to building anything first.