Is Google Coral necessary for limelight detection?

My team wanted to use object detection with the limelight for the first time this season, but while reading the instructions we saw that we needed to have a coral usb goohgle, however our team does not have one, we would like to know if there are other options to solve this problem and be able to use object detection or just buy one?

It will depend on your version. If you have a limelight 3 or below, then yes, you will need a coral for object detection. 3G and 3A do not support the coral and cannot function in a neural detection capacity.

So with LL 3G and 3A it’s not possible to identify game objects?

The 3A lists colored object tracking which can work. It is not to the same quality as neural tracking likely.

The 3G has a monochrome camera and is completely incapable of doing object detection. It is only for AprilTags.

The 3A is targeted for FTC teams. The 3G is monochrome for april tag detection only. The limelight 3 can use the coral to run object detection.

All limelight 3 variants can run a detector without a Google coral, just at a much slower rate. This feature was added in 2024.9

Optionally instead of using AI detection which requires a coral you can do color detection which works on all limelights except the 3G (it can’t detect color). You can try checking this out Color Thresholding | Limelight Documentation

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Here is a 3G running a CPU neural network without a coral. When you select detector, go to the configuration tab and change your detector runtime to “CPU”. Note, the framerate is lower than if you were using a LL3 + coral combo.