If I (or a teammate) drop a donut, I’d rather pick it up than step on it later.
I didn’t see this posted anywhere in the thread:
A ROBOT may not simultaneously CONTROL more than 1 CORAL and 1 ALGAE either directly or transitively through other objects. A ROBOT is in CONTROL of a SCORING ELEMENT if
A. the SCORING ELEMENT is fully supported by or stuck in, on, or under the ROBOT or
B.the ROBOT intentionally pushes a SCORING ELEMENT to a desired location or in a preferred direction (i.e. herding).
Transitively through other object (CORAL) to a desired location. I’d expect this would be considered multiple control violations
Very good point. Which means that in the field video where Fiona pushes a CORAL in the L1 trough to get the next CORAL in, that would be an illegal ROBOT action.
Why everyone tries to do arm ???
I didn’t saw any elevator or something like that
I feel like we just started the 15 Q&A questions about CONTROL all over again =/
Passing is not a viable strategy unless we are playing Aerial Assist or Crescendo again
I still remember how convinced CD was in 2023 that a ground cone pickup would be critical. We were wrong then…
It absolutely will be. None of the Ri3D robots accounted demo’ed that ability in their reveal videos or video snippets that I saw. This issue (like harsh diminishing returns on the ‘primary’ scoring) hasn’t been a real ‘thing’ to consider for quite a few years, so I’m guessing it will catch some teams out.
I haven’t been thoroughly watching all of the reveals, but Cranberry Alarm do briefly touch on it in theirs.
I wasn’t on the team in 2023 But suction can be great if done right our team did pretty good then.
Fun fact, the double substation is just a raised floor pickup.
This is a poor analogy. Charged Up is a wildly different game.
Couldn’t you just push the “donut” out of the way with your bumper?
You could (depending on your drive train), but if you do shove it to the side, you’re taking a now problem and making it a later problem. Still leaving the problem unsolved.
Sure, it could be argued that maybe the later problem isn’t much of a problem at all. Personally, I try to take out as many maybes as I can.
I would think so, but then I wonder how it interacts with the corners of the field?
Maybe you can spin it out of the way? Or maybe it gets caught on the edge?
Wouldnt imagine its to dramatic of an angle to get caught on. Could be wrong though
Great Question. I think early on, there will be Corals on the floor everywhere. People dropping it from station, from the reef, got knocked out during movement, etc. If no one can pick it up and no Algae Scorer bot, it will be like a parking lot, scoring anything becomes a nightmare. Eventually, during play offs and as weeks go by, bots get better and more precise, less coral on the floor.
In term of pure cycle time, when there is no object in front of station and the road is clear, coral station intaking is probably the most consistent and quickest way to the reef.
I can see the benefit for the Ground Intake but not for long term. Implementing ground intake is a lot harder than putting a ramp to to get coral from station. Maybe start with ground intake, try it, then pivot to ramp intake if need be or do it the other way, start with Ramp Intake, then try to design Ground intake. This all depends on your priority list.