Our team wants to combine two camera angles into one single live feed while still maintaining low bandwidth but high resolution and FPS. Our mentor think it is possible but we aren’t sure how to do it.If anyone at all can help us out using Java it will be greatly appreciated
It’s certainly possible to combine two cameras into a single image and send that to the driver station. I’m not sure whether it will be easily accomplished with high resolution and framerate, but it might work.
This CameraServer code from the ScreenSteps shows the general process of publishing a your own images as a camera stream.
This StackOverflow question has samples on how to combine images side-by-side. There’s a decent chance you’ll have to do some resizing of images before and/or after combining them.
Theoretically, you could run all this code on the roboRio. However, the higher the resolution of your images, the harder it will be for the roboRio to hold a decent framerate. You’ll have to figure out if a co-processor is necessary.
Bandwidth shouldn’t be any more of an issue than it would be with a single image of the same size.
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