My friends have been bagging on me for taking this competition too seriously. What’s your opinion? I read the five sections of the rules (recently released) furiously, looking for changes and comparing them to the rules of last year, and some of my friends think this is doing too much.
Am I too obsessed with the competition?
What do you guys think about people who seem too “into” FIRST and the competition?
I would say FIRST is quite an addiction…but one of the BEST addictions you’ll ever have.
On a bright note: you have to set your own boundries. Obviously there are things MORE important than FIRST, eg school, parents, family etc etc. Just make sure you set your priorities right…and than this addiction can be LOTS AND LOTS of fun
My friends think i’m way to serious about this stuff too, but everyone in here is right for what they have to say. It’s addicting, it’s healthy, and most of us on the forums are just as addicted. (check out the people still fiddling over that evil clue) I get made fun of by my fellow team members about taking every thing I do so seriously, but honestly i’ve never been more inspired to do the things I do now, and as my inspiration rises does does my passion, and I do more and more for the team. I can’t stop. I’m addicted to FIRST. FIRST is my Anti-drug, and in my opinion if it can light a fire in your heart to burn with passion, and you can maintain that fine line between passionate and crazy; then go for it. Power to Passion.
Too much FIRST? Too addicted? I’m sorry… you have reached an impossible thought path… please rotate your phone 90 degrees and try again. Seriously, There is no such thing as being too addicted to something that is entirely beneficial.
well from a purely utilitarian view point if FIRST causes a lot of pleasure for every one and pain to no one then yes there can be no such thing as too much FIRST . . but a virtueist would say that too much time spent in FIRST would push you towards lowered grades, lowered social interactions(outside of FIRST), and a generally unrounded individual. while the egoist would say what ever floats your boat.
(see mom I learn things in college)
so I would say yes you can spend too much time with FIRST . . . but not during jan - mid feb.
i do feel that some people take it too far, and forget that FIRST is merely a means to an end (the end result being that we completely change the world for the better). granted, this is based off of my opinion of how far is too far, so this is really a qualitative judgement.
words of wisdom, here; though often, it can be difficult finding where those boundaries lie
this is not always the case; being a member of a FRC team can be extremely involved, especially for team leaders and mentors. from time to time, i’ll have students complain to me that there parents/teachers “don’t understand how important FIRST is, because they want them to quit the team, and focus on there (rapidly dropping) grades”; to which i counter that maybe the student(s) in question don’t realize how important their grades are. you’re going to have a difficult time becoming an engineer, if your grades aren’t good enough to get you into college.
FIRSTcan be extremely difficult and time intensive, especially if you’re heavily involved in your team; your grades, and lifestyle will take a hit if you’re not careful. this is often the case for college mentors; if you look at my grades during the spring semesters compared to the others, they are lower. luckily, there hasn’t been any significant effects for me, but that isn’t the case for everybody. you have to be prepared if you want to be a college mentor; it ain’t for everybody. this thread is a good one for anyone thinking about it…
with that said, i’m going into my seventh consecutive year of FIRST, and i feel that all of them have been worthwhile. i feel that i’ve contributed to the students and teachers on my team, that i have learned a tremendous amount that i would’ve otherwise missed out on. if it’s at all possible, i feel that all engineering students should mentor a FIRST team, simply to learn how to deal with real world engineering problems. i’m hoping to get my capstone group to work with my robotics team, in an effort to expose more people to FIRST.
While I agree with most people there is defiantly an addictive quality to FIRST, and there can be many worse things in life, I also believe that there are quite a few people who take it too seriously. I believe that these people mostly fall into 3 categories.
*People who’s priorities are screwed up - When FIRST is the only thing in your life that you care about, or you put it above everything else. While FIRST is a great program there is much more to life then it. People should have a balance of activities they are involved while still keeping site of what is important. Things like family and school are 2 examples of those things which must come above FIRST ALWAYS. Remember that while FIRST may expose you to Engineering you still need a diploma (High School and College) to actually be an engineer or whatever you major in.
*People who have lost the focus - There are people who are way to concerned with specific elements of the program to the extent of unhealthiness. FIRST is a program designed to expose students to different fields in science and technology. While there are many elements of the program, that still remains the overall goal. If your goal is to do nothing but collect trophies, and gain recognition for your involvement I urge you to re-evaluate why you are involved with the program.
*People who use/abuse FIRST - The program is great for opening up opportunities, and connections for people, both on the team level and individually. This is unique to FIRST in which it gives participants the ability to interact with previously un-reachable people and organizations. While that is a great side effect of the program there are people who abuse this situation. Being involved in FIRST for the sole purpose to get better jobs and meet people for the intent of “name dropping” in the future is unacceptable. This does not go to say that if you have the right perspective on the program and good things happen as a result it is bad, but unfortunately there are those with nothing but this in mind.
Just like in any situation there is no black and white answer or scenario which can apply to every person. People need to decide for themselves what their goals and level of involvement is, hopefully thinking carefully about their decisions. One of the best things I can advise, especially for mentors, on this was told to me by Paul Kloberg, “Is what I am doing right now helping the kids in the program or the program itself?” This is something I always as myself before I make a FIRST decision and I think it has served me well so far.
Overall I think that most people in FIRST have the right idea and are doing things for the right purpose of having fun and advancing science and technology fields. Just think from time to time and you will be fine.
If you are getting sick over FIRST, you’ve taken it too far.
If your grades are bombing, you’ve taken it too far.
If your family has a crisis and you are still in the shop, you’ve taken it too far.
If your family has a celebration that you are skipping for FIRST, you’ve taken it too far.
Those are the rules I live by. Just about everything else is fine.
There are times where you’ll have to sacrifice from school for FIRST; there are times when you’ll have to sacrifice from FIRST for school, and there are times when family is more important than school and FIRST, and there are times where you just need to stay home to sleep out that all-nighter before shipdate. Just don’t let it get too far out of balance. Things will get real ugly real fast if you don’t keep balanced. Pay attention to your health, family, and grades. Don’t get tunnel vision.
Second that.
I don’t think that you can spend too much time on FIRST until it hurts other areas of your life. If it’s your free time, do it on something you love and don’t regret it.
I think that there is no too much time beeing spent on first during build season, but if your’e logged on to Chief Delphy during may refreshing the main window hoping for new posts’ not by you’ during May, i’d say you’ve taken it too far…
As for myself’ im addicted, god know i am, but there are still right proportions.
dont stay home staring at the clue on Christmess =]
I believe way too many people take it too seriously. Their is general excitement in the air about kick off and such, but the post of the game hint only taking 4 minutes from email blast to new thread is almost disturbing. Then the post count within the first 45min was also quite strange. Maybe someone should start a FIRST Anonymous meeting to try to help the tragicly addicted…
I struggle with this issue all of the time. I have a problem with saying no. It becomes really hard when I really enjoy what I am being asked to do. I sometimes get burnt out (at least twice a year) and become more grumpy that usual. This does not bode well for me or the program. We must all balance ourselves and if you have problems doing that we must find someone that we believe in to put a hand on our shoulder and hold us back. FIRST can become all consuming. Take my advice and do not let it take over your life. Make it a big part and you will benefit huge but let it take over and you lose.
Yes it can. And I always thank my none robotics freinds for letting me put them on the back burner when I need to go do robotics work and cant hang out. And also when I start streaming out robotics ideas and the listen even though I know they have no idea what I am talking about. FIRST is great but everything in life needs to be balanced. Also, when you grades start dropping you might need to not commit so much time to FIRST.
Don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive. - Elbert Hubbard
I suppose this could be modified to replace “life” with “FIRST”. While I think that FIRST is a phenomonal experience for all who are involved in it, I agree with what others have said here - you need balance. Does that mean that you can’t be serious and intense about robotics? No. Actually I prefer to refer to it as passionate. I’m passionate about my family, my faith, my career, my students, and FIRST. They are all important things to me and I do my best to prioritize and balance them effectively.
Those who think we’re a bit loopy because of our passion for FIRST have either never experienced it first-hand or just don’t get it. And, as the saying goes, we mock that which we do not understand.
Bottom line - keep your passion for FIRST and don’t let others spoil your fun!
Yea, you can take FIRST too seriously, as with most things. FIRST, while great, has its place, and certain things should take priority. Good luck prioritizing, you’ll probably need it.