Is L4 coral worth it

With the cooperation point being something that will most likely be prioritized, is designing a lift or elevator that extends that high worth it when L4 is only needed for the coral point in co-op hasn’t been scored


It gives more point. You can make the elevator to reach level 4 and the barge for alage

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It’s biggest value is in auto where it saves a good amount of time over l3 since you didn’t have to remove any algae first

I think so. It’s the most valuable coral slot, and there’s 12 of them, and you won’t need to remove algae to get at them. In addition I don’t see why you couldn’t extend whatever mechanism designed for l2 or l3 fairly easily. In my experience top scoring is always prioritized at higher level events as well.


2019 would like a word.


To be fair 2019 had universal points for each level.



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If you have a good enough budget, I highly suggest you try and get L4 Corals. Lower budget teams may not have the resources to make a big arm / elevator, so its best to take initiative.

Ps. There is a ranking point for the Coral Reef, and remember that those can be just as important when the results are tallied. Hope this helps!

well you would need to have the lift/elevator extend two and a half feet above the max height for the robot, so wouldnt it be much harder to extend the lift mechanisms above your robots height, because if you go for a shorter robot you could end up need more then three feet of extension above the robot’s max height

Look at other threads. The max extension only applies horizontally, vertically there is no limit. It’s definitely confusing wording though, probably will get clarified later.

If you mean max starting height, there have always been robots with long arms or slides in previous games. See 2023 for example

i understand that, im just wondering if the point difference would be worth the effort of building an elevator that would have to climb 3 ft


You get 3 ranking points for winning, and scoring on L4 coral gives you more points. The 3 ranking points for winning are more important than the bonus ranking points, where many teams are best off putting effort into winning more over the bonus ranking points if they only get to pick one. Additionally, an elevator that can reach l4 cargo can also reach the cargo net, allowed for combo cycling and more flexability in general.

I’d also like to add that there’s the added benefit that there’s no algae on those branches to clear. This probably doesn’t matter too much, but it may make it more worthwhile for teams that don’t wish to add in an algae mechanism with their coral mechanism. Additionally, with an elevator and a wrist it could probably be achieved with decent success.

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In general I think that expanding an elevator is just up to cutting longer bars. Technically the challenge is mostly in the bearings, motors, etc. With a starting heigh of 3.5 feet that should only require 2 stages, and going to l4 from l3 would just be a matter of making each stage a few inches longer.

I guess if you’re going for a shorter bot then it might get a little harder, but I don’t see a reason to do that except for climbing or something.

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Our team deemed it to be too complex. A single stage elevator and and arm should work for level 2 and 3. However, others may deem it worthwhile.