Im doubt about what kind use me and my team will give for limelight, so i would like to know from someone who tested in practice how much precise is Megatag2 or any other pose estimation technic? Should i use it? Or maybe a PID simple aligment with tags would be better?
Megatag2 is very, very good provided a few things:
- You have to be confident of your robot’s heading (to use MT2 you need to tell the limelight what angle your robot is at, and this needs to be correct)
- Your robot cannot be spinning too fast. From a little bit of testing my team found that if the robot was rotating faster than 180 degrees per second, the MT2 estimation became very unreliable. This could probably be further tuned, and I bet with new versions of limelight OS this could be improved.
We found that MT1 is easier to use and is very reliable when you’re close to the april tag/see multiple april tags, but MT2 is vastly better if you are very far away and you only see one or two April tags.