Is LimelightLib compatible with the Limelight 1?

Is the current LimelightLib version compatible with the Limelight 1? We are hoping to get a Limelight 3 this season but we still want to use our limelight 1 for apriltag localization if possible. I know that it provides the necessary values over NetworkTables to do localization, but I dont know if code like this would work:

if (SwerveConstants.kMegaTag2Enabled) {
      LimelightHelpers.SetRobotOrientation("limelight", m_swerve.getPose().getRotation().getDegrees(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      LimelightHelpers.PoseEstimate mt2 = LimelightHelpers.getBotPoseEstimate_wpiBlue_MegaTag2("limelight");

      if (mt2 != null && Math.abs(m_swerve.getGyro().getRate()) <= 720 && mt2.tagCount != 0) {
        m_swerve.addVisionMeasurement(mt2.pose, mt2.timestampSeconds, VecBuilder.fill(0.7, 0.7, 9999999));

I should have checked this first, but I just updated my limelight’s firmware and found that it is compatible with LimelightLib.