Is my team being stupid, or what???

Posted by Rob DeCotiis at 1/17/2001 10:16 AM EST

Student on team #504, RoBUCtics, from Red Bank Regional High School and Jesel.

Hey, im just wondering if any other teams haven’t started construction yet… i know my team hasn’t, and im getting kinda antsy… how much time will drivers get to practice at this rate?!

Posted by Anton Abaya at 1/17/2001 10:55 AM EST

Coach on team #419, Rambots, from UMass Boston / BC High and NASA, Mathsoft, Solidworks.

In Reply to: Is my team being stupid, or what???
Posted by Rob DeCotiis on 1/17/2001 10:16 AM EST:

: Hey, im just wondering if any other teams haven’t started construction yet… i know my team hasn’t, and im getting kinda antsy… how much time will drivers get to practice at this rate?!

to give u an idea, we are prototyping the framework of our base already and have stopped fighting about who’s design is better and which strategy is best. there just isnt enough time in the 6 weeks to do that.

if u guys know what your strategy is, then you can build from that. if there are too many ideas, get the BEST one from a vote and work on that. if it suddenly doesnt seem as feasible, then go get Gore and throw the bush away. hmmm… NADER! :stuck_out_tongue: then again, i cant vote anyway.


Posted by mike o’leary at 1/18/2001 9:31 AM EST

Student on team #419, rambots, from bc high.

In Reply to: heya…
Posted by Anton Abaya on 1/17/2001 10:55 AM EST:

: : Hey, im just wondering if any other teams haven’t started construction yet… i know my team hasn’t, and im getting kinda antsy… how much time will drivers get to practice at this rate?!

: to give u an idea, we are prototyping the framework of our base already and have stopped fighting about who’s design is better and which strategy is best. there just isnt enough time in the 6 weeks to do that.

: if u guys know what your strategy is, then you can build from that. if there are too many ideas, get the BEST one from a vote and work on that. if it suddenly doesnt seem as feasible, then go get Gore and throw the bush away. hmmm… NADER! :stuck_out_tongue: then again, i cant vote anyway.

: -anton

what makes you so sure weve stopped fighting about whos idea is better? just because certain people havent been at the last couple of meetings doesnt mean theyve quit. does it?

mike oleary

Posted by Josh at 1/18/2001 5:25 PM EST

Engineer on team #419, Rambots, from Wentworth Institute of Technology.

In Reply to: Re: heya…
Posted by mike o’leary on 1/18/2001 9:31 AM EST:

: what makes you so sure weve stopped fighting about whos idea is better? just because certain people havent been at the last couple of meetings doesnt mean theyve quit. does it?

: mike oleary

Are you any relation to a Mrs. O’Leary, and does/did she own a cow some time ago?
Sorry, i had to ask, just a little curiosity.

We have stopped fighting over the overall design, it’s just a few systematic things we still have to iron out. And yes, i believe they, or some of them at least, have left the team…

Team 419
“Mess with the best, Die like the rest”
Who says this? and in what film?
(note: This is a disclamer of legal blather saying that this quote in no way represents the views of myself or anyone on my team…)

Posted by mike o’leary at 1/19/2001 11:24 PM EST

Student on team #419, rambots, from bc high.

In Reply to: Re: heya…
Posted by Josh on 1/18/2001 5:25 PM EST:

: : what makes you so sure weve stopped fighting about whos idea is better? just because certain people havent been at the last couple of meetings doesnt mean theyve quit. does it?

: : mike oleary

: Are you any relation to a Mrs. O’Leary, and does/did she own a cow some time ago?
: Sorry, i had to ask, just a little curiosity.

: We have stopped fighting over the overall design, it’s just a few systematic things we still have to iron out. And yes, i believe they, or some of them at least, have left the team…

: Josh
: Team 419
: “Mess with the best, Die like the rest”
: Who says this? and in what film?
: (note: This is a disclamer of legal blather saying that this quote in no way represents the views of myself or anyone on my team…)

well…my mom DID used to live in chicago…and she IS a pyro…
mike oleary

Posted by Matt Leese at 1/20/2001 11:38 PM EST

Other on team #73, Tigerbolt, from Edison Technical HS and Alstom & Rochester Institute of Technology.

In Reply to: Re: heya…
Posted by Josh on 1/18/2001 5:25 PM EST:

I believe “Mess with the Best, Die with the Rest” is the Navy Seal Motto but I could be wrong…

Matt who is catching up on posts…

Posted by Josh at 1/21/2001 4:21 PM EST

Engineer on team #419, Rambots, from Wentworth Institute of Technology.

In Reply to: OT: Mess with the Best…
Posted by Matt Leese on 1/20/2001 11:38 PM EST:

: I believe “Mess with the Best, Die with the Rest” is the Navy Seal Motto but I could be wrong…

: Matt who is catching up on posts…

No, sorry, the correct answer is Dade from the movie Hackers…

“We’re in this together now” - NIN

Posted by ChrisH at 1/17/2001 10:55 AM EST

Engineer on team #330, Beach 'Bots, from Hope Chapel Academy and NASA JPL, J & F Machine, Raetheon, et al.

In Reply to: Is my team being stupid, or what???
Posted by Rob DeCotiis on 1/17/2001 10:16 AM EST:

: Hey, im just wondering if any other teams haven’t started construction yet… i know my team hasn’t, and im getting kinda antsy… how much time will drivers get to practice at this rate?!

That depends on why they haven’t started. If it’s because you’re still deciding what you want your robot to do then you’re in serious trouble.

On the other hand an extra day or two of serious thought and extra preparation can lead to tremendous progress overnight. As an engineer with 20 years of experience, I can tell you it is normal for projects to look like they move in fits and starts. In general that isn’t really the case , it just looks that way to the observer because the activity has shifted out of view for a while.

It also depends on what you mean by “started”. We might begin construction of the robot itself tomorrow, but certain elements of the drive train are already being worked on by our machine shop.

Good product definition saves time in the long run. But there comes a time to shoot the designer and go into production. I’d say give it till at least Sunday before you panic. But don’t loose sleep over it yet.

The longer it takes your team to get moving the more you’ll appreciate those extra hours of ZZs on Feb 20!

Chris Husmann, PE
Team 330 the Beach 'Bots

Posted by Matt Leese at 1/17/2001 12:09 PM EST

Other on team #73, Tigerbolt, from Edison Technical HS and Alstom & Rochester Institute of Technology.

In Reply to: Is my team being stupid, or what???
Posted by Rob DeCotiis on 1/17/2001 10:16 AM EST:

Well, as far as construction goes, I doubt anyone’s really started yet. You have to design everything first so that you know where it all goes; so that everything fits together. The more time you spend in the beginning designing the less time you spend at the end trying to force it to work (i.e. fixing stuff). Yes, driver training is important but so is having a reliable robot. Personally, my team planned on trying to cut out the base today but I don’t think it’s going to happen. If you start construction by next week you’re pretty well off. About a week of driver training is pretty good but I know lots of teams that get less (like the team I was on before…).


Posted by Raul at 1/17/2001 2:01 PM EST

Engineer on team #111, Wildstang, from Rolling Meadows & Wheeling HS and Motorola.

In Reply to: Is my team being stupid, or what???
Posted by Rob DeCotiis on 1/17/2001 10:16 AM EST:

In 1997 we did not have anything but the drive system designed (and not even built) when there was only 3 weeks left. Yet that robot is at FIRST place as a display. In 1996 we started building after about 3 days and we never won a match that year.

The most important thing is to have a good drive system done ASAP. That is your foundation and it must be just right. But, it is so important to have a clear understanding and agreement on what the concept is before you start designing and making parts.

I can go on forever on this - just my 2 cents for now.


Posted by Ken Leung at 1/17/2001 10:13 PM EST

Student on team #192, Gunn Robotics Team, from Henry M. Gunn Senior High School.

In Reply to: Is my team being stupid, or what???
Posted by Rob DeCotiis on 1/17/2001 10:16 AM EST:

: Hey, im just wondering if any other teams haven’t started construction yet… i know my team hasn’t, and im getting kinda antsy… how much time will drivers get to practice at this rate?!

It all depends on what type of team you have. If you are new to the competition, and not too familiar with the competition/robot-construction, then I say, take your time in it. You want to understand the strategy your team wants, and have a clear picture of what you want your robot to do. Then explore around like choosing what motors or pneumatics to use. Then you probably want to do some kind of good designing instead of rushing to build prototypes to make sure parts on your robot actually function well and the way you want to. Really put some serious thought into development and not necessary construction. My point is, it’s better to have a good design then a robot sitting on the strecher all the time… Never push the time in construction in a way that you are always building stuff, but end up building another one, and another just because of some minor problem that could’ve been solved by doing 10 mins more of designing. This will save you a lot of time and resources in the long run.

Posted by Ken Leung at 1/17/2001 10:13 PM EST

Student on team #192, Gunn Robotics Team, from Henry M. Gunn Senior High School.

In Reply to: Is my team being stupid, or what???
Posted by Rob DeCotiis on 1/17/2001 10:16 AM EST:

: Hey, im just wondering if any other teams haven’t started construction yet… i know my team hasn’t, and im getting kinda antsy… how much time will drivers get to practice at this rate?!

It all depends on what type of team you have. If you are new to the competition, and not too familiar with the competition/robot-construction, then I say, take your time in it. You want to understand the strategy your team wants, and have a clear picture of what you want your robot to do. Then explore around like choosing what motors or pneumatics to use. Then you probably want to do some kind of good designing instead of rushing to build prototypes to make sure parts on your robot actually function well and the way you want to. Really put some serious thought into development and not necessary construction. My point is, it’s better to have a good design then a robot sitting on the strecher all the time… Never push the time in construction in a way that you are always building stuff, but end up building another one, and another just because of some minor problem that could’ve been solved by doing 10 mins more of designing. This will save you a lot of time and resources in the long run.

Posted by Bill Beatty at 1/19/2001 11:08 AM EST

Other on team #71, Team Hammond, from Team Hammond.

In Reply to: Is my team being stupid, or what???
Posted by Rob DeCotiis on 1/17/2001 10:16 AM EST:

My advice, for what it’s worth, is GET SOMETHING RUNNING! Take a 3/4 piece of plywood 30 x 36 and notch out the corners and mount the two drive wheels. Put a couple of casters on the back corners. Clamp down the drive motors and controls and have at it. Should be able to do it in one or two evenings. Use this boilerplate for expermenting with drive ratios, weight, and speed as well as driver practice.

Bill B