This is the first time I’m configuring the gaming adapter on my own, and I am not sure if I did it correctly. Unfortunately, I cannot test it with the robot and the classmate because I am doing this at my house and have to have it working by the next meeting.
My team and I went to a competition and had the radio settings changed. So, i reset the gaming adapter and followed the instruction provided by first in the “FRC Control System”. I managed to navigate to the IP of the bridge and set it up; however, after I changed the IP from the default ( to the one with my team number (, I could no longer access the IP address from the web browser. I typed in ( which is the IP i set it to) and had an error and could not access the log-in page where I would usually log in as an “admin”
So, I pinged the gaming adapter and got the following:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 3, Lost = 1 (25% loss).
I am no expert, and I don’t know if I successfully configured the radio. Did anyone ever have this problem? Or is this not a problem at all and am I good to go?
Another question is… Do i need to configure the router as well? I wouldn’t think so because the router’s settings remained unchanged. However, do I?
If you have both radios, can you connect two computers to them, and ping each other? The IP address has to be on the 10.x.x.x block with a subnet mask of (or 8 if it wants the number of bits)
I think your issue might be that you need to set the static IP on your computer 10.x.x.x (probably, or something of that nature (except .1,.2,.4,or .5 since those are taken)).
Oh wow Thank you very much! That was my problem! #3. I sent my IP comp address as - the same as the IP address for the game adapter. I changed the static for the computer to and now it worked!
I checked it by connecting the gaming adapter to the computer. After that, I connected the computer to the router and the router to the gaming adapter and pinged the gaming adapter from the computer and got:
Ping Statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% Loss)
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
Does that sound right?
Well either way, Thank you! =D I can now access the admin page! lol
If you connected to the computer to the router (not the gaming adapter) and were able to ping the gaming adapter, and communicated wirelessly to the gaming adapter, then you are fine. If you had the gaming adapter connected with a cable, then you need to program the wireless on one or both devices (the settings should be: SSID=375, No Security, 2.5ghz/5ghz)
Alright! Well, i used ethernet cable to connect from computer to the router and then connected the router to the gaming adapter through the ethernet as well. I will just see how it works tomorrow with the classmate and the bot! Once again, thank you! =D