Is there a pre-built labView program for rookie teams?

I went to a talk/seminar on LabView. The rep from NI mentioned there was a pre-built/default program that rookie teams can use. (It has a big “finish” button on the front panel). Did I misunderstand him or is this located somewhere? If so, where do I find it?

Thank you.

That’s the default Framework that comes with the LabVIEW installation.

Start LabVIEW
Under “New” select FRC cRIO Robot Project
In the popup window give it a new name
Change the cRIO IP address to match your team number
Select Robot Framework
Select Finish

and you’ll have your default project that does Arcade drive off one joystick and two motor controllers plugged into PWM 1 & 2.

I clicked on new…and saw several projects…however I do not see anything that says frc crio project…

This is the one I mean, where I’ve marked the screen in blue, click on that.

Your LabVIEW installation might not have fully succeeded, or you might not have run the required LabVIEW and Utilities updates. You know where to find the updates, right?

That option does not show up on my computer. Perhaps the software was not installed correctly…is there a way to get this…or do I need to reinstall?

Did you apply the LabVIEW software update Alan refers to?
You do that after using the LabVIEW installation DVD.
Ther’s a link in my signature where you can get it.

You can run the LabVIEW installer and update again and it’s smart enough to add anything you might have missed.

Click and it should give you the locations with the updates. I had the same issue and I had to redo everything so to avoid it, you must click on the URL and download the updates.

here is the link to one download

another one.

last one

extract and run the app.

Good luck and may the force be with you!!!

Here’s what the LabVIEW startup screen looks like right off the Install disk, if you have NOT installed the required update.