Is there still an "autonomous mode" in code?

There has been some pretty big changes to this year’s game compared to previous years, namely that in Destination: Deep Space, there is no longer a dedicated autonomous period but a Sandstorm period instead. I found this very confusing from a programmer’s perspective. The biggest question I have right now is what exactly does Sandstorm count as? Is it still technically an autonomous mode, or does the robot start in teleop directly now?

This bothers me because WPILib still has methods such as TimedRobot.autonomousInit() and TimedRobot.teleopInit(). With the new changes, now I don’t know what methods are going to be called and when. Do you guys have any idea?


See For the 2020 season software documentation has been moved to Documentation for KOP items can still be found here. | FRC KOP Documentation

Sandstorm Coding

  • Mode - Despite the Sandstorm not truly being an “Autonomous” mode, all code (DS, robot code, etc.) will continue to refer to this period as “Autonomous” or “Auto” for continuity

I see. Thanks! I really need to improve my googling skills.

I hope teams take note of this. I can see some teams attempting to drive in auto and then not realizing that the teleop code hasn’t started running yet.