So my team and I have been considering using this to control the robot. Would that be alright?
As long as It connects to the Driver station Laptop through USB in some way and all control is sent to the robot through the driver station…
It is legal.
(Assuming it does not contain any prohibited materials and is not wireless)
There are plenty of sites showing how to hack old console controllers. I’d love to see this!
I tried to convince my students to use a USB Keytar (images). But they thought I was joking.
If it is on the driverstation end of things, isn’t wireless, and works (USB connection without fancy drivers), you’re fine.
But I have to ask, are you serious? This is both awesome and ridiculous at the same time.
Don’t forget that you will have to put it on AFTER autonomous…
You can’t be touching any part of the driver station during the auto period.
The glove would have to be attached using some type of wire so you would either have to wear it and then plug it in after auto or put it on connected at the beginning of teleop
Actually, I am not completely sure if you could wear it and THEN connect it…
Does anyone else know this rule?
As Joe said… G21
During AUTO, any control devices worn or held by the DRIVERS must be disconnected from the OPERATOR
CONSOLE and not connected until TELEOP.
I’m so used to Facebook, I was looking for the “Like” button on this one.
This is both awesome and ridiculous at the same time.
You’re going to have to deal with a few other technical issues to use one of those. It uses a sensor bar (kind of like the wii, but with 3 points instead of 2). The accuracy was not fantastic, and the bend switches in the fingers are touchy. You need to be more than a few feet from the sensor bar to get it to read properly.
A usb adaptor to make it act like a normal joystick should not be impossible, but it will need thorough testing.
Do you already have a glove? I sold mine ages ago.
Great idea though.
If you’re gonna do it, (I assume it uses an NES port), I implore you to make your own NES-USB adapter and not cut up the wiring on the Power Glove. There are a limited amount of Power Gloves left on earth! I feel like they should be an endangered species.
How about one of these?
Your drivers could spend the entire match sharing bags of popcorn while racking up the points.
Those are extremely sensitive stress and they’re not really very accurate.
We did this for Logomotion. We made a custom “arm” that a student would strap on to his own. He would wear it during autonomous and hold the plug in one hand. Once the teleop portion of the match started he would then plug it in and use the arm to control our arm and jaw-like-thing.
We did have to have some code (as you probably assumed) stopping the arm from freaking out that there is no input device connected. It was some simple like. If “custom arm” wasn’t plugged in, use the joystick. Now getting the computer to recognize whether it’s plugged in or not is a different story, but we might have done things the long and hard way haha.
Goodluck! It’s always nice to see teams use some other means of controlling the robot other than 2 Joysticks/1 Gamepad.
How about a competition for coming up with the most fun, weirdest, or funkiest controller using this device:
Is there room to fit a sufficient number of tubs of water in each alliance station area?
FIRST won’t give us a water game? MAKE YOUR OWN!
While wearing this of course
That would give us the “water” game we are all looking for: however, wouldn’t bananas be more appropriate since we are supposed to be climbing the pyramid like monkeys?:rolleyes: The main problem would be the extra time required between matches to clean the driver stations of banana goo.
What kind of wheels would give the best traction on banana peels?
Very very cold ones.
We were thinking of using the official team snack of Mellow Yellow, Takis, and potted meat to control the shooter. Still have to research if Makey Makey is HID.