Is this switch legal for the minibot?

My team was wondering if this DPDT switch would be legal for the Minibot. The link is listed below

Not a limit switch, and not a household switch. That means that it doesn’t meet the criteria for legality.

I’m puzzled. Rule 92 just lists “M. limit switches,” but doesn’t specify which limit switch. Can’t any switch be used as a limit switch?

Per the GDC:

A limit switch is anything marketed as a “limit switch”.

The price for this switch is near the same as a switch from Home Depot that satisfies the rule. or for $0.69 this one…

If you want a switch that just has to be depressed (and not flipped) you might try this one or something like it…

i have this type in my house and it is much closer to the one you suggested from Radio Shack

I think this is single pole but you get the idea…

And if you were looking for the Double throw for some electrical reason, you can look at 3-way and 4-way switch from Lowes as posibilities. I have both 3 and 4-ways in my house.