Isaac 16

Will the Isaac 16 that came in the EduRobot kit be the controller that we’re using for the 2003 Competition? Or will we get another Isaac 16, or will we use a conroller like last years? Also, what about the OI.

Also, feel free to post any info/pictures you have on the Isaac 16 or EduRobot as this would be very helpful to us.


PS There is no need to post links to innovation first as I already know about all that.

We will be getting a Full-Size RC from Innovation First at Kickoff with your Kit Of Parts, the OI included in the EDU kit will be the one you will be using for the 2003 FIRST Competition, so dont break it :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Ricky Q. *
**the OI included in the EDU kit will be the one you will be using for the 2003 FIRST Competition, so dont break it :stuck_out_tongue: **

Yep, I was the only person on my team that actually read the instructions, I noticed that and told everyone so that they don’t break it :slight_smile: