Israel DCMP MARCH 28-30

If you can’t sleep you can spend your time watching Israel DCMP with teams : 1690, 3339,1574, 3211 and more.

Day 2 stream

First qualification match, 4 RP. :rolleyes:

Been a great event so far. Israel’s been one of the more competitive districts this year, and it’s showed in the Quals matches.

Day 3 stream

That second alliance (1574-3339-2231) is awesome! They look like they’re cruising to a win. Semifinal 2-1 set a record for highest combined score (even without the fouls).

managed to catch the a few QF before leaving for work, and the finals just now. Great matches!

If 1574 got 1 more kPA in F1, the result would have been quite different!

Thought it would go to 3 matches, but 1574’s alliance looks like they had a loose wire on a robot in F2, which sealed the win for the #8 alliance.

Wow. Those were some crazy finals matches. Congrats to 4586, 2230, and 5654 on winning the Israel DCMP! A #8 alliance wins! Good luck to all Israeli teams that qualified for Houston!

Just finished watching a few semifinals matches. couple of comments.

First regional where I didn’t see the big brooms for collecting fuel in an area.
Looks like you have many more volunteers picking up fuel than I am used to seeing.
Couldn’t understand a word of your game announcer but he was definitely excited about it.

Were quite a few volunteers picking up fuel from teams there? Seemed like high school age students.

Yes we don’t have big brooms here. I would assume they didn’t ship with the field (along with a good percentage of the airships). We compensated for that with a lot of high-school age field reset staff, and I’d say that we had at least equal field reset times without the brooms, if not quicker.

The announcer did announce a few matches in English, but I’m not sure how he decided which to do in English. I don’t remember if he did any of the playoff matches in English or if it was only some of the quals.

I heard a few introductions in F1 in English.

Didn’t the old isreal regional used to get Dan (blanking on last name) from the US as an MC? Dan often/usually is the MC at Midwest and CMP. I know Blair goes to Australia.

It was a few years ago. Now we have Israeli MC’s that one of the is also MC at the championship( Yali Barak)

Dan Green

Did 1690 pass on 1574 in the draft?

I’m curious about this too. Did 1690 pass 1574, or did 1574 decline?

We did pass on them and opted for 1937.
Still not sure whether it was the best strategical decision, but 1937 was obviously the best gear specialist in the competition and we were looking for the best partner to achieve the 4 rotors with (giving the fact that we can get the 40kpa by ourself if everything goes according to plans).
Us choosing 1574 would have canceled any risk of any alliance out shooting ours but we felt like we can keep up with them and probably outscore them in that task, we were unsure about how effective their gear game was giving the fact that they almost never really played it during the last 2 events. Therefore we opted for what we felt was the more “safe” option in terms of gear scoring which is the more valuable scoring task during playoffs.
During their last 2-3 qualification matches 3339 started to make more sense to us because of their gear + 10 ball autonomous and an ever improving gear abilities during teleop.
Overall we feel like our alliance should have been able to beat any of the other alliances at the event but made a few crucial strategic mistakes before and during the matches.
Honestly, watching the 8th alliance of 4586,2230 and 5654 go on to win the event was incredible and a blast, they seemed to be the underdog in each match up and just managed to make the other alliances look like fools every time (whether by being more strategic or a bit lucky), and they deserve the win.

We are looking to improve a few aspects of our robot and a lot of aspects in our strategy and are looking forward to Houston.
Lots of extremely competitive Israeli robots are coming your way so watch out! :wink:

I’m waiting on a shirt from 3339, but will settle for 1690! Looking forward to seeing all of you.

So we did a couple of matches in English during the quals for Don, and if a couple more during the playoffs. We did those when we had 100+ stream viewers from the US.

For those of you wishing there was more English game announcing you need to understand that obviously our (Yali, myself and the rest of the Israeli MC crew) main concern is getting the players on the field hyped and give their teams that sense of drama and epicness. Not surprisingly, that is best achieved in Hebrew here in Israel.

Thanks to alliance 8 - our job was easy.

FIRST is all about inspiring the youth, announcing in your native language is a priority and I am sure the rest of CD understands that.
You have some truly amazing robots and are running a district over there. Keep doing what you guys have been doing, it’s clearly working! :slight_smile:

This is a dilemma that’s come up a few times so far for high-seeded fuel-capable teams, and as we approach the heart of District/World Championships season it will only come up more. I’ll be fascinated to watch how it pans out.