We have been trying to make a swerve drive using mk3 swervemodules from swervedrivespecalties. We got to the point where all 8 speed controllers are id’ed and all 4 CANoders are id’ed, however when we try to plug all 4 in at once, they all go red except for the first in the loop. The second we unplug that one, the rest are all green and working properly. We have swapped the CANcoder itself with other ones, changed its position in the loop, but it always does the same thing. I don’t know what the issue is nor do we know where to start to fix this so any help is appreciated.
We had a similar issue with one of our CANcoders. It later turned out to be a pretty funny issue. We had accidently installed the pcb upside down (there are blue and pink dots designating up and down). Once that was fixed we had to resolder the wires…which lead to a poor solder job that had to be redone again.
That’s what happened with us, hope it helps.
Along the same lines, as suggested by @jedgar6, carefully check that you did not reverse the two CAN wires – just carefully recheck the wiring, looking for shorts, bad connections, or wires in the wrong place.
Thank you. When I get back into the shop tomorrow ill go through once more and check them. One thing we couldn’t find much about is which set of wires should be in and out regarding the 2 sets of green and yellow from the CANcoder. Would that create problems, if so how can you tell where each one needs to go.
Thank you, ill look through and make sure we do not have that either. The soder job on our CANcoders were questionable so we went through and redid them a few times so ill check if anything got flipped.
There’s no difference between the two green wires, nor between the two yellow ones – assuming they are soldered in the right place.
It is possible to damage electronics with too much heat, either to high a peak temperature, or too long at a high temperature. But what you described before seems more likely to be a wiring issue of some type.
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