Hey All, I’m having an issue setting up the CANable Pro on ubuntu 16, the manual says over and over that no drivers are required, plug it in and wait for the interface (can0) to show up, but I see no such interface, lsusb
shows that the device is, plugged in, and using another machine equipped with Cangaroo I was able to confirm the functionality of the device. Any advice from users with similar experinces? Thanks!
not sure if mny teams have used the canable before. the CANifier from ctre will definitely work with frc CAN so any dongle probems ae usually fixed with that. Why do you need a canable?
For a coprocessor, and shoot, the CTRE docs specifically said to use the CANable :c
This note from the canable website seems relevant.
CANables ship with slcan firmware. This firmware enumerates as a standard serial device on Linux, Mac, and Windows for easy interfacing. The CANable can be easily re-flashed with the candlelight firmware which enumerates as a native CAN device in Linux and a generic USB device in Windows.
Not at all, Im running the latest candlelight firmware, and i have absolutly nothing, i also did try setting up slcan but no luck there either.
I’m not sure whether you’re trying to set up your system for Phoenix or not, but the first half of our Linux controller documentation walks through the general process of setting up a CANable and Jetson/Raspberry Pi/Linux Desktop system:
Specifically, once you have the CANable up and running with candlelight firmware you also need to install at least one package (can-utils). can-utils is the standard Linux package that allows you to use can devices as a socket and works with the candlelight firmware.
There’s a couple other packages we have listed along with what their purpose is, like reading gamepads, etc. These are of course optional depending on what your project needs are.
Once you’ve got the appropriate firmware and libraries on your system, there’s a few commands that need to be run to configure and initialize your CAN socket. We combined those into a single start script referenced in the documentation.
Everything up to “How to setup Phoenix Tuner?” is a general set of instructions, I recommend going through all of it step-by-step.
@usymmij I think there’s some confusion here: the CANifier is a CAN device specifically for getting sensor data (quadrature, pwm, etc.) from the CAN bus or controlling common-anode LEDs over CAN.
It is not a generic CAN interface.
The CANable is a generic, third-party CAN interface that can be used to add an entire CAN bus to a coprocessor/desktop.
One thing to note is CTREs support might be different, Jacob can answer that better, but if you want to use any wpilib libraries like NetworkTables, Ubuntu 16.04 will not work. All wpilib built libraries require 18.04 in order to run, and require a compiler with c++17 support if you want to build it yourself, which 16.04 doesn’t have.
Thanks but your instructions were no help, I followed them to a t last night :c I have can-utils working as far as i can see, but ifconfig shows no can0 device, however i can see the device connected with lsusb, are there really no drivers i need to install for it? I was not planning on installing the diagnostics server.
Thanks for the link though~ I fail at the ./canableStart.sh
because I don’t have that interface available.
Actually i already use networktables on Ubuntu 16.
Sorry to clarify, i use the python implementation of networktables, i dont use anything from wpilib.
I was not planning on installing the diagnostics server.
Sure, I just wanted to emphasize that everything before that isn’t specific to Phoenix.
Jacob can answer that better, but if you want to use any wpilib libraries like NetworkTables, Ubuntu 16.04 will not work.
To Thad’s point, the Phoenix binaries will work with 16.04.
That being said, I’ve personally had better luck using 18.04 than 16.04 with CAN. Obviously this is anecdotal, but I’ve encountered less weird Linux issues where I need extra packages or tinkering to get things to work.
The instructions in our documentation were developed on 18.04 - this is why the images we link for Raspberry Pi and Jetson are the 18.04 images.
Those exact instructions have not been tested on a 16.04 linux desktop. If upgrading to 18.04 is an option, I would highly recommend it.
From the sound of it, you’re likely missing a package or update in 16.04 (that’s included by default in 18.04) that’s required for candlelight and can-utils to integrate properly.
Thanks for all the thoughts! As of right now I think upgrading is a huge no, last time we tried our Jetson bricked and had to be reflashed, plus our software relies a bit on this version but ill see what other options we have and thanks for telling me the version the guide was made in.
Which Jetson are you using?
If you mention bricking it sounds like a TX1/TX2, but if it’s the Nano you can get a separate SD card and test out 18.04 on that.
It’s a TX 1, we can’t afford a Nano right now. Grant team is working on an mini atx though.
No luck so far
Cannot find device "can0"
can0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
SIOCSIFTXQLEN: No such device```
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