For this build season our team bought 2 new global shutter cameras, specifically two of the Arducam UC-844, and a new Orange Pi to better work with April Tags in the new Reefscape game (hopefully for pose estimation and lining up with april tags). However after imaging the Orange Pi with Photonvision and connecting it with a 5V battery pack + Ethernet cord to a laptop- the Photonvision.local:5800 just shows a yellow processing screen and nothing else.
Initial troubleshooting led us to connect the Orange Pi to our previous year’s Crescendo robot and try using our previous global shutter cameras which worked fine connecting to photonvision.local:5800 wirelessly (we didn’t try wired) but trying to connect to our new camera with the same set-up just gave a “Camera Lost” png. This was a different result than trying it wired which makes me guess something could be wrong with ethernet but that’s a different issue.
After some research we came across some a suggestion to install LibCamera to get the Arducamera to work with our Orange Pi but I’ve not seen anybody else mention this in separate FRC threads on here or elsewhere. Could we need to install some software onto the Pi?
Any help is appreciated, thanks!