We cannot figure out the correct modifier to put in with the subsystem. Not sure how to “define” the constructor in this situation.
Assuming you have already created a TankDrive.java command you need to add a constructor to it. Here is an example of that. I don’t know how you are calling the drive command so you may need to change the code to fit with your project.
public class TankDrive extends Command {
private final DriveTrain m_driveTrain;
private final Joystick m_joystick;
//this is the constructor
public TankDrive(DriveTrain driveTrain, Joystick joystick) {
m_driveTrain = driveTrain;
m_joystick = joystick;
public void execute() {
m_drivetrain.tankDrive(m_Joystick.getY(), m_Joystick.getX(), m_drivetrain));
// Other methods like isFinished()
Alternatively, if the command is just calling the Drivetrain’s drive method you can use a run command like this.
new RunCommand(
() ->
m_drivetrain.tankDrive(m_Joystick.getY(), m_Joystick.getX(), m_drivetrain));