Iterative examples

I am interested in showing the students an existing IterativeRobot (that seems to be closest in structure to what they would currently do in LABView).

Have any teams published competition code based on the IterativeRobot? Command based is easy to find…

I can send you my teams code from 2012 if you wish. I dont have our 2013 code with me.

that would be appreciated, thank you!

Okay sorry this took a while I had a bunch of issues to resolve with our robot. I redid some of the code in this. This was our iterative project for java last year for Rebound Rumble. I put some extra comments in here explaining what some things do. I know the ports are a little weird that we used but that’s because people decided to not listen to me and I wasn’t there leading them while wiring the bot. I have a basic autonomous setup for you that shoots 3 balls. I have camera examples, jaguar examples, tank and arcade drive in here, relay examples for our belts, a few solenoid examples, and a few other things. I hope this helps you guys out and if you need any further help I would be glad to help.

2012ReboundRumble-2559.rar (550 KB)

2012ReboundRumble-2559.rar (550 KB)